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I’d brought my resume of her past with me to see if I’d missed clues. From what I could sense, the woman still wasn’t disclosing everything. The rising wind grabbed at the pages and I set them aside under a rock. The gray clouds gathering above meant we were in for some rain tonight.

Without the internet to lean on, I figured I was getting good at weather prediction.

The wind flicked her hair, as she waded into the foot-high waves on this corner of the island furthest from the hut. The sun beyond glittered through her black tresses. Since she wore them so often, her blue pair of underwear had faded and her skin was tanned despite the sunscreen we used. She’d looked skeptical when I first rubbed the lotion into her. I’d had to inform her that sunburn wasn’t on my sadistic list of activities.

If there was one chore I was happy to do, it was rubbing lotion on her, especially when I could follow the red lines of whip marks with my fingers.

After a week, the salt spray was getting into everything. Our hair, our skin, our clothes. We couldn’t afford the water to wash clothes, though every day I had us both use a water-dampened washer on our bodies.

With all the sex I was subjecting her to, we needed it. With all the spanking and light whipping, she needed it. Pain slut that she’d turned out to be, that wasn’t punishment, but it was showing her my physical dominance and that was crucial in my plans.

I’d found the appeal for me wasn’t just the sex or the sadism – it was everything about owning this woman. I was beginning to understand my addiction. I’d do almost anything to keep her. Whatever I had to do to break her to my will, I would, or this would be a never-ending struggle.

Was I an expert at breaking women? No.

But I wanted to be.

Did I have a perfect solution? No again, but I could see how it would happen.

During the past, she’d reacted perfectly when dominance interwove with the pain. She was almost there when we arrived – almost mine. I only had to get her to wrap her mind around the concept.

Maybe what I needed here wasn’t breaking but bending, because why would I want a broken woman?

My only need was that she obeyed me one hundred percent, without question, no matter what I wanted. And she was changing, even if she didn’t comprehend it. I could see it in the small ways she deferred to me, in the tiny reactions. Whenever I spotted one, I had the urge to do a fistpump.

But it was time to up the ante. I toyed with the small butt plug in my pocket. From my questions, she’d never had anal sex and found the concept horrifying. An ideal activity then, especially since I’d been keen to fuck her little hole ever since I first saw her.

What a surprise to hear how little her previous lovers had satisfied her. I’d interrogated her day by day only to hear her reinforce her story until I knew it was truth. She hadn’t come with a single lover before me. By her own words though, they’d been pussies. I smiled. Good to know, because I sure as hell wasn’t.

I scanned the horizon again with the binoculars. No signs of thieves today, though two days ago I’d had to warn off a fishing boat by shaking my rifle. They were likely just islanders on their way elsewhere. The fuel here was aviation fuel and most of the gear would take expertise and cutting tools to get loose from the locked shipping container.

Of course the poor often stole what they had no use for, hoping to sell it to some clueless fool.

The rifle lay on a crate beside me, loaded, ready. The odds were that one day it would be required. How much I’d have to use it depended on how much the thieves were willing to risk, but I wasn’t dealing with a special forces squad here, just petty theft.

I clambered to my feet and brushed off the sand. “Stop there! I’ve something for you.”

She rose from where she’d been crouching in the water and waited, arms by her sides, wet sand cascading from one hand.

Seawater might make an okay lubricant to pop in the plug? I’d find out soon enough. I had a tube of lube but it’d be more fun to try something new.

I stood and waded out after her, to where she’d been wandering among the rocks in this inlet. A few black sea cucumbers lay bloated and slopping to and fro, and schools of silvery fish shot away from me as I sloshed through the water. This was the first time we’d come over this way. With the rocks obviously came more creatures. Near her foot, a blotchy underwater shape caught my eye.

“Don’t move!” I snapped. “I think that’s a stonefish next to your foot.”

“Where, Sir?” Jaz glanced down.

The paling of her cheeks said she knew about stonefish.

“Just come this way and you’ll be fine.” Once she was close enough, I scooped her up and set her behind me then bent to peer at what the thing. “No. My mistake. It is a rock.”

Stonefish were deadly and stepping on one here might mean death. Medical help was hours away. It was one of the drawbacks to a deserted island, apart from pirates, tsunamis, and a lack of hot showers.

I thought back. She’d said sir automatically. Well, well. None of the little hesitation I often heard or the distaste, and she was waiting, saying nothing, despite looking like she wanted to blurt something. “You can speak.”

“They paralyze you, don’t they, Sir? I visited a North Queensland resort once for a travel article and we were given a whole speech about poisonous underwater creatures.”

“Yes. Give me your hand.”

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