Page 34 of His Jersey Girl

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“Oh my god, that’s amazing!” Julia squealed.

I was soon surrounded in a group hug that squished me into the booth seat.

“You are going to hit the big time, sis.” Zoe laughed.

“Between that and how good my self-published books are doing, I think I’m ready to be a full- time author.” Saying the words out loud felt like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders.

“That’s amazing. I knew you could do it.” Lucia said.

Zoe gave me a considering look. “If you quit your job, then you wouldn’t be working for Gigantor Daddy anymore. Is that why you are doing it?”

I looked around the table. These girls had been my best friends for years. They’d supported me and been my biggest fans whenever things got tough. If I moved to be with Gabriel, it wasn’t across the country, but it would mean I wouldn’t see them as much.

I thought back on the hundreds of moments I’d shared with Gabriel over the last few weeks. Not the big things like the fun trips, but the little smiles and looks. The sense of safety I felt when he was around. Knowing he was always watching out for me. Even the frustrating fact that he’d kept his hands to himself though every time we were close it felt like there was a fire burning between us just waiting to be released.

“He’s given me the courage to try, but if all I wanted was not to work with him our contract runs out next week. I’m going to resign, effective immediately, after lunch.”

Until I said the words out loud, I hadn’t realized that was my plan. I wanted to go back to Gabriel and tell him that I wanted him to be my Daddy in all ways. Hopefully he would be as excited as I was.

“Wow.” Chantou gave me a sad smile. “I’m so happy for you, but that means you’re going to leave us, doesn’t it?”

“I’m not leaving forever. He doesn’t live that far; you know I’ll come and visit lots. But I need to try. I think… I think I love him.”

“You think? If you are moving hours away to be with a guy you had better know that you love him,” Zoe huffed.

“Okay. I know I love him, and I think he loves me. Please try and be happy for me?”

“We are. But your man better get us good seats to his fight and the after-party. I’m not letting one of my LJGs go without a big send-off.”

I gave Zoe a big hug knowing I was one of the luckiest Littles on the planet to have such great friends.

As I stepped out of the casino’s HR office, my heart was racing with a mix of nervousness and pure exhilaration. I clutched the envelope containing my resignation paperwork tightly, feeling the weight of my decision sink in. No more harassment. No more boring job. I was finally going to live my dream of being a full-time writer. Hopefully Gabriel would be as excited as I was. The thought of being his full-time Little made my stomach flutter with excitement.

I could picture his smile, the heat that would fill his gaze as I told him he didn’t have to hold back anymore. There was no way I could wait a single minute more to tell him. I hurried through the busy casino floor, weaving through the crowd of tourists and gamblers, heading for the elevators that would take me up to our room. I barely noticed anything around me, my mind full of fantasies of what the night ahead would contain.

As I reached the quieter corridor leading to the elevators, a strong hand grabbed my arm and yanked me through an employee door into a dimly lit back hallway. I screamed, stumbled and gasped as I tried to regain my balance and figure out what was going on.

"What the heck?" I tossed my hair out of my face, confused to see the man dragging me down the hall was Seth. What was he doing here? How had he even found me?

The man who had my arm in a death grip lacked all the polish of his former self. His hair was disheveled, and his body seemed to vibrate with tension. There was something off about his eyes, but I didn’t have time to figure out what it was.

"Seth, let go of me!" It felt like he was pulling my arm out of my socket as I tried to dig my heels in and stop our forward momentum. His grip only tightened, and the anger in his eyes made my blood run cold.

"Shut up," he hissed, glancing around to make sure no one was watching. "You think you can just waltz in here and get me fired? This is all your fault!"

"My fault? You're the one who was harassing me!" I hated the way my voice trembled with fear. "Let me go, Seth! This is insane, there are cameras everywhere, there is no way you won’t get caught."

"Once your boyfriend gives me a million dollars, I’ll go somewhere the cops will never find me. Only fitting since he was the asshole who got me fired," he spat, and dragged me further down the hallway. "That pretty boy fighter thinks he can mess with me? Well, I’ll make sure you both pay." His hungry glare was like a razor against my skin.

Panic surged through me. "Seth, don't do this," I pleaded, my voice breaking. "Gabriel will kill you." I knew my Daddy would never hurt me, but I’d seen what he was capable of and that was just in practice. We’d talked about his time in the military, and it hadn’t been behind a desk. He’d been in special forces and done things that still put ice in his eyes. Even if he did get the money, if Seth thought Gabriel wouldn’t hunt him down to the ends of the earth, he didn’t understand my man.

"I know the truth about those entertainment fighters. They seem tough, but underneath they’re all a bunch of Mama's boys. Let's see how much he cares about you when he's got to pay to get you back." The twisted smile on Seth’s face made me shudder.

The man was completely off his rocker. He dragged me toward a back entrance. The cold metal door loomed ahead like a portal to some nightmare. Why was there no one around? My mind raced, thoughts of Gabriel flickering through my head. Why hadn't I told him my plans? Would I ever get to see him again? Why hadn’t I told him that I loved him?

"Help, please help!" I cried out, desperation clawing at my throat. "Seth, don’t do this. You won't get away with it."

"Watch me," he snarled and shoved the door open.

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