Page 35 of His Jersey Girl

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Tears blurred my vision as I kicked at him, trying to keep him from taking me out of the building. I reached out grabbing the door frame and pulling with all my strength. It wasn’t enough. Pain burst behind my eyelids as he backhanded me across the face.

I sent a silent prayer out to the universe as he pulled me out into the sunlight.

I need you, Daddy!




As Rocco and I walked back to the casino after a fantastic lunch, I thought over the different suggestions he’d had for convincing her to give me a chance after the match next week. We’d been lucky so far that the press hadn’t picked up on the fact that we’d become inseparable, but eventually someone would notice.

I’d thought a lot about what life would look like after I retired. Since I’d met Alyssa, I couldn’t imagine her not being part of that dream. The past few weeks had been amazing. I’d learned what a smart creative woman she was both in and out of her Little headspace. Becoming her forever Daddy would make my life complete. But that could wait. Unease crawled up my spine, I needed to find her now.

The main entrance wouldn’t be swarming with press and fans just yet. But this close to the match there would be some hoping to catch a glimpse of any celebrity or notable figure walking in. I tugged my cap lower over my eyes, instinctively trying to remain inconspicuous.

“Ready to sneak in like we’re criminals?” Rocco asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

“Always.” I tried to smile but couldn’t get the feeling of dread to go away. “Lead the way.”

We veered off the main path, slipping into the shadows cast by the towering casino. The noise from the boardwalk faded as we made our way to the discreet side entrance, one we’d been given access to in order to keep incognito. The steel door was tucked away behind a line of potted palms, blending into the architecture so well that you’d miss it if you didn’t know what you were looking for.

The door flew open, startling us both. It took a few seconds before I realized what I was seeing. My blood turned to ice as I saw Alyssa clutching the door frame like it was a life raft. The asshole who had a grip on her arm was her ex-manager, Seth. Panic flared in her eyes as she kicked and screamed for help. Before I could move, Seth pulled back his arm and hit her across the face.


She fell to the ground as I sprinted toward them, Rocco right behind me.

Seth turned, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw us approaching. "You!" he snarled.

I grabbed the man and tossed him away from Alyssa, not caring that he crashed into the potted plants. "Rocco, protect her. Call the police."

Rocco nodded, his face grim. "I’ve got her."

He would keep her safe. Knowing that, I could focus all my rage on the man scrambling out of the foliage.

Seth squared off against me, his face contorted with rage. "This is your fault. You got me fired over some stupid slut!"

My fists clenched and the whole world narrowed down to him and me. "Alyssa was never one of your girls. If you hadn’t gotten greedy, I would have never found out about your little prostitution ring. You deserved worse than getting fired and I’m so glad I could make that happen."

Seth was obviously high on something. I had over fifty pounds on the man and almost twice the muscle. He knew I was a trained fighter even if he didn’t know that I’d been a SEAL. Being out of his mind was the only thing that could explain him not running from me.

"You ruined everything!" he shouted, lunging at me. "I'll make you pay!"

His first swing was wild and I dodged it easily, countering with a punch to his gut. He vomited and I barely missed getting hit by the spray. It was tempting to draw things out and make him really hurt but the sounds of Alyssa crying and sirens coming closer made me rethink that.

"You’re pathetic."

He came at me again. His movements were wild, driven by anger rather than skill. I ducked under his flailing arm and delivered a sharp uppercut to his jaw. He staggered back, dazed, and I didn't give him a chance to recover. I put everything I had into a punch to the side of his head. As I expected, he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Breathing heavily, I turned back to Alyssa. She was clinging to Rocco, tears streaming down her face. I rushed over and pulled her into my arms, needing to hold her and feel that she was all right. "It's okay, baby. I've got you."

She sobbed into my chest, her body trembling. "Daddy, you saved me."

"Shh, it's over now, princess. You're safe." Stroking her hair. I looked up at Rocco, who nodded.

"I'll wait here for the police," Rocco said. "You take her up to your room."

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