Page 32 of His Jersey Girl

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He held his hands up as if trying to placate me. “I wasn't trying to insult her. I know she's special to you, and I'm happy for you. But what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t check in and make sure you're okay?”

We’d been caught up in our own little bubble for two weeks. Truth was, I hadn't called my friend because I hadn't wanted to explain the arrangement between Alyssa and me. Maybe it was time.

“We're taking things slow.”

Rocko snorted. “You're living together. Spending every free moment of every day that you have together. That is not taking shit slow.”

I took a deep breath and let him in on the part I knew he wouldn’t like. “It is when she's sleeping in the guest room.”

“Are you for real right now?”

“I'm serious.”

“You've taken her to the aquarium, the Cape May zoo, and every other fun destination within a two-hour radius of here. You spend every moment you aren’t sparring spoiling her. She sits quietly in the corner watching you practice or workout or hangs out in the office while you do interviews.” His eyes widened as if he finally understood. “But you're sleeping separately?”


“You mean you haven't…”

“No, we haven't.”

“Damn man, you have it bad.”

I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated. “She didn’t react well when I asked you to have her paid as my private masseuse.”

“Why not?”

“She thought I was trying to buy her. Looking back, I can see her point. But she almost walked away for good when she found out.”

“You wouldn't do that. Hell, technically, I'm paying her, not you.”

If only Alyssa agreed with those technicalities, but she didn’t. The time we’d spent together over the last few weeks had been amazing. Physical relations weren’t the most important thing in a relationship, but it was hard to resist temptation when I knew how good we could be together.

“I know that, and you know that, but trust is a hard thing for her. I'm hoping showing her how much she means to me will convince her to give us a chance. That my wanting to spoil her doesn't mean that I think she's a sugar baby.”

Rocco shook his head. “I guess that explains your new aggressive style in practices. All that frustration has to go somewhere. Maybe I'll tell her to keep it up until after the match. Might give you the edge that you need to win.”

“You do that, and it won't be his ass I'll be kicking. But seriously, since other than the press events we have scheduled, the next week is going to be calm. I'm hoping to convince her to come live with me or to let me move down here until she's ready to come up there.”

“You’re that sure of her?”

“I am. How good is your own Little chase going?”

Rocco smirked. “Wonderfully frustrating. I’ll tell you all about it over lunch.”

I would never understand why he liked women who gave him so much trouble. “All right, let me grab a shower and then let's go out and get something to eat. You can tell me all about your brat and help me plan how to win my Jersey Girl.”




We were seated in a cozy booth at The Sandwich Bar. Normally I loved its vibrant and upbeat atmosphere that was a mix of casual fun and beachy relaxation located in the middle of the chaotic casino. Unfortunately, my mood didn’t fit the ambience as my mind raced in circles trying to make life-changing decisions. So many good things had happened in the last two weeks that it was hard to believe any of it was real.

The booths we were in had turquoise leather seats that reminded me of the ocean on a faraway island. The tables were made of polished driftwood, which added a rustic, seaside feel. Hundreds of seashells and tiny potted succulents decorated the area in a fun, whimsical way without being over the top. Not even the mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked bread could distract me from my thoughts.

Was I really considering moving away from my friends?

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