Page 31 of His Jersey Girl

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She giggled and blushed, making her even more beautiful. “Will we be up in our room this afternoon, or do you have interviews?”

Just her calling it ‘our’ room was a victory, but I couldn’t let her see how happy it made me. I thought over the week's schedule. The PR events for the match were coming more frequently with the event eight days away, but luckily there was nothing planned for this afternoon. I’d intended to spend a relaxing day with Alyssa at the private VIP pool up on the roof. Depending on how long she spent with her friends, I might have to adjust what we were going to do. Maybe we'd go out and do something special.

The week before a big match I reduced my workouts significantly to lessen the risk of injury and to make sure that I was in optimum shape for the fight. I hoped I could use that extra time to finally convince her to quit her day job with the casino and become mine. I wasn’t sure just yet how I was going to do that.

“Nothing is on the schedule except my evening workout.” I loved the way her eyes scanned up and down my body as if drinking in every inch of me.

“I don't know how you do it. Your muscles have muscles.”

I made the muscles in question dance and she giggled.

“Okay, Daddy.” The last word was almost whispered, but it felt like a victory to have her call me that in public. “I'll give you a text when we're done and I'm on my way back to the room.”

“Don't let Zoe get you into too much trouble.”

Her laugh was like music. “No promises.”

My heart ached as I watched her walk out of the gym. I’d never had the urge to keep a woman by my side twenty-four-seven before, but everything about my day was better when she was there. The need to keep her by me probably had to do with the fact that I knew she was still holding back. I wished she would understand that I didn’t see her as some sort of gold digger or property to be bought.

Several times I’d been tempted to tell her to go back to work so that we could date for real. Something inside me had resisted, knowing she needed to fully trust me before heading back into the snake pit. If I thought her job would make her happy it would be different, but I knew even with her jerk of a boss gone, being a masseuse wasn't where her heart lay.

When I turned around, I saw Rocco talking with Joey. It was unusual, but for this last fight of mine, he’d agreed to be both my manager and my coach. It had actually worked out better than either of us had guessed. My friend was thriving in his new role. While we were both enjoying owning the gyms, Rocco seemed to miss having a more hands-on role.

Back at the start of our business venture, he’d done personal training and coaching for some of our more talented clients. As time passed, we’d both gotten caught up in the business side of things and making time for anything else was impossible. Maybe after this was over and things slowed down, he’d try his hand at coaching professionally. The job would be a good fit for him.

Rocco was giving Joey some advice and telling him ways to get around my defenses. The young fighter was just starting to make a name for himself, and I could see him going far in the league. Maybe he would be my friend's first professional client.

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be on my side? Don’t give him all my tricks,” I teased.

“No, I’m supposed to be making you better. That means making sure your opponents are a challenge.” We all laughed. Rocco nodded to the door. “Where's Alyssa going?”

“Out to lunch with her friends.”

“Does that mean I might actually get lunch with my friend? There are a few things we need to talk about.”

I looked up at the clock and saw that there were only fifteen minutes left in the practice session. It was probably best that we stopped now, since I doubted my mind would be focused.

“Sounds like a plan.” I looked over at Joey. “Thanks for all your help.”

We shook hands and he took off with a wave. I grabbed a towel to wipe myself down.

“Good to see you letting your girl off her leash.”

Annoyance heated my skin, but I did my best not to snap. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you’ve been so focused on her for the last two weeks that I've barely seen you.”

I shook my head. “What are you talking about? I see you every day, twice a day.”

“Yeah, but you take off the second the clock hits the end time.”

“I’ve gone to every PR event and interview you’ve set up. Sorry if I’m not having sleepovers and doing your nails but I thought you would understand.”

We were close but had never spent every day together, even at events like this.

Rocko shook his head as if I wasn't getting what he was saying. “You're my best friend, and I’m not trying to ride your ass. But you've been completely MIA from the businesses and we haven't had a single conversation in weeks that hasn't been about the fight. I know you and I know you and Alyssa are new, but I didn't think you were the type of guy to cut off everyone in his life because he was getting it on with some girl.”

I tilted my head back in frustration. “I'm not getting it on with some girl.” He knew she was special to me even if I hadn’t shared the fact that we were taking things slow.

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