Page 15 of His Jersey Girl

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“Because of your job or because you don’t want me to be?” I tried not to show how much her answer meant to me. If she agreed to be mine, I would blow through any outside opposition especially if it came from a job she dreamed of leaving someday.

“I want you to be my Daddy, but I need my job, and we just met. It would be crazy to risk my job when you probably live across the country and are going to go home after your fight. I don’t want to adult, but I have to! I might not be what you want in a Little. We might not even have chemistry. We haven’t even kissed?—”

I cut off her rambling by pressing my thumb against her lips. Before she could protest, I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. It was a sweet kiss and my heart stuttered as she moaned. I slid my hand behind her neck and pulled her closer.

I ran my tongue along the rose petal softness of her lips asking for entry. She yielded to me and it was as if lightning danced between us. Her hands clutched my shirt and she tried to pull me closer, but I kept control. The kiss was magical and as much as I wanted it to continue on and to find out how much more chemistry we had, the bells and electronic sounds of the slot machines reminded me this wasn’t the time or place to explore more.

The glazed look in her eyes as I pulled back soothed the part of my soul that had worried she wouldn’t feel the same connection I did. “I think we have chemistry.”


Her breathy sigh made me chuckle. I wanted to address all of her concerns before her mind started spinning again.

“Your job can’t tell you who to date. All that matters is this connection between us. I live in North Jersey, not across the country, but I don’t have any plans to leave unless you come with me or send me away. No one can see the future, but I don’t think this connection between us is temporary.”

“But we just met.”

“And if I had my way, you would move into the second bedroom in my suite so we can get to know each other every free moment I have.”

“Seriously?” Her giggle made me smile.

“If you hadn’t had secret ninja massage skills, I would’ve had my wish already.”

“You really want that?” Alyssa’s blush was adorable as she nervously played with the material of my shirt.

“I do. I’ll talk to your boss if you want, or the hotel owner to make sure you don’t get in trouble.”

“No. I shouldn’t let him bully me.” She sighed.

“Does that mean you're going to give us a chance? Will you let me be your Daddy?”

Alyssa bit her lip. “What does that mean exactly?”

“It means when we are together you hand over your worries to me and let me guide you. I will make sure you are healthy and happy. We can use stoplight safe words. I expect you to say yellow if I’m trying to control something you aren’t comfortable with, but we won’t do much until we can sit down and talk about limits and desires.”

Her eyes widened but I didn’t think it was with fear. “So you want to be Daddy all the time?”

“Yes. You don’t have to call me Daddy until you are comfortable, but that will always be my role. Is that something you are okay with?” Nerves sent a shiver down my spine. This had always been a sticking point in my previous relationships. The women I dated weren’t comfortable with giving up that kind of control anywhere but the bedroom.

“I think I’d like that. But I’ve never met someone who was willing to be in charge all the time.”

“Well princess, I assure you I am not only willing, but wanting to Daddy you all day long.”

Mischief flared in her green eyes, and I loved seeing the sadness melt away. She sat up and put on a haughty expression. “Well, I suppose as the Princess I should see if you have passable Daddy skills before deciding if I should move into your palace or toss you out onto the street like an urchin.”

Her British accent was awful but adorable, so I played along with my own bad accent. “I assure you, your royal highness, that I am quite adept at playtime, bathtime, bedtime, and have a deft hand for spanking naughty girls who get uppity with their Daddies.”

She bit her lip in a way that let me know with more than words that spanking might not be a punishment for this Little girl. Unable to resist, I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead as her laughter warmed my heart.

“I think I’d like to see that.” Her shyness returned, but not the sadness.

“Then allow me to take you out for a night you won’t forget.” I offered her my hand and prayed she’d take it.

Alyssa bit the inside of her cheek. “I’m not dressed for anything fancy.”

“You are beautiful just the way you are. What I have in mind isn’t about being fancy.” I hesitated for a moment. “If you will allow me a small indulgence, I would love to buy you something to wear so that you can forget about work and just enjoy yourself tonight.”

“I think I’d like that.” She slid her hand into mine and I drew it up to my lips.

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