Page 16 of His Jersey Girl

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“Thank you, princess.”

“You’re welcome… Daddy.” The way she stumbled over the word made it clear she wasn’t quite sure about trusting the connection between us yet. But I was so glad she was willing to try.

“Oh Little girl, I am the luckiest Daddy in the world. Let’s go have some fun!”




The boardwalk at sunset was like a portal into another world. The sky was purple and orange with streaks of white and gray clouds. The lights hadn’t yet come on and the steel pier with the giant ferris wheel was a regal shadow hovering over the darkening ocean. Soon, in a magical moment, the lights would flicker on and colors would dance across the world. The neon transforms the dull reality into a fantasy setting, as long as you don’t look too deeply into the shadows.

Walking with my hand wrapped in Gabriel’s, I’d never felt so safe in my life. His presence let me forget about every worry and concern from the day and live inside the moment. We reached the carnival-like atmosphere of the Pier just as the last sunlight was slipping from the sky. I’d smiled so much already that my cheeks were starting to hurt.

First, he’d taken me shopping and the pale-green babydoll-style dress he bought me was the prettiest thing I’ve ever owned. The square neck and puffy sleeves made me feel like the princess he called me. It was classy and casual all wrapped into one perfect outfit. The white flats with ribbons that crisscrossed up my legs were not only adorable but comfortable as well. I’d pulled my hair out of the tight bun at Gabriel’s request and the way he looked at me made me feel like I was a runway model instead of the short plain Jane I usually saw in the mirror.

We’d talked, laughed and played mini golf, which neither of us were good at. Our dinner was far from fancy and instead consisted of hotdogs, salty soft pretzels, and lemonade slushies. Already it was the best date of my life, and I didn’t ever want it to end. I’d sent hundreds of pictures to the LJGs and the girls were all cheering me on. He’d laughed when I’d made him take a selfie of us with his billboard in the background. Would life with Gabriel always be this easy? Was I really thinking about taking him up on the offer to move in with him after knowing him for less than a full day?

Yes. Yes, I was.

It had to be better than cramming myself into the apartment with Grace and Lucia. And if things didn’t work out then I could always move in with my friends. So why was I hesitating? Probably because when something seemed too good to be true, it usually was. And Gabriel was definitely too good.

“What else do you want to do tonight, princess?”

The warmth in Gabriel’s eyes made me squirm. His question was hard because the Little part of my brain was fighting with the Big girl parts of my body that wanted to do so many naughty things.

“Hmm.” I tapped my chin with the fingers of my free hand. “I want to ride all the rides, eat all of the funnel cake, and finally win all of the stuffies!”

“Oh is that all?” Gabriel laughed and seemed to consider. “Well, it’s late, so let's pick one ride and one game then we can walk back to the casino.”

“No! I want at least five games, three rides and funnel cake.” Why did he want to end things now? It was Friday night and I didn’t have to work Saturday. I didn't want to call it a night.

He pulled me in front of him and my stomach flipped as he looked down at me with a disappointed expression. “Don’t use that tone with Daddy. The answer is no. This is not a negotiation. We can come back another time. I have an early sparring session and you’ve had a long day.”

“I’m not tired.” I didn’t mean to whine but why was he being so mean? “And you shouldn’t be sparring if you hurt your back.” So there.


The way he said my name was a growl that I both loved and hated. So I said his name the same way. “Gabriel.”

“Five.” Gabriel frowned down at me.

“Yes!” I was a smidge disappointed at how easily he’d given in, but I would take the win. “Let’s go on the observation wheel first!” I raced off in the direction of the ticket booth leaving my scowling Daddy in the dust as I weaved through the crowd.

I was waiting in line when I felt his hand close around the back of my neck in a possessive gesture that made my knees wobbly.

“What did I say to you earlier about staying by my side?” Daddy’s voice was definitely angry.

“I’m sorry. I forgot. But we need to get tickets now if we’re going to do five rides.”

It was our turn at the window and Daddy stepped up to pay as I surveyed the available rides. Some of them would be really bad if his back still hurt though he hadn’t complained all night. Maybe my feet were magic, and he was all better? Still, tt would be mean of me to demand he go on something that might hurt him. I didn’t want to be the reason he didn’t get better.

When Gabriel stepped back next to me his hand came back down on my neck with a firm grip that made me shiver. “Ready to go, Daddy?” I gave him my sweetest smile. It wasn’t polite to gloat when you won and I wanted him to know I had manners.

“Ten. And if you keep this up it will be fifteen.”

My stomach dropped as I finally realized he wasn’t talking about adding more rides to our night. I fidgeted with the edge of my skirt as we got in line for the observation wheel. A danger siren was going off in the back of my head and I needed to know what he meant. I looked around at the line and wasn’t sure how to ask what I wanted to in public without anyone hearing.

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