Page 4 of Hidden Passions

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I believe in you, and I will go on believing in you, for as long as I live.

“Oh, Eve. That twangs a heartstring, don’t it?”

“You know about the government program she was forced into, how they tried to turn her into some kind of human weapon.”

“I know what Steele told us about it. No way to verify any of that. Not as far as I know.” His voice seems far away.

“I miss you, Wolf.”

“Well,” I can hear him standing as he talks, “you don’t have to. There’s a flight in an hour and a half. I’ll be there before you wake up.”

I’m moved. “Thank you. But you don’t have to do that, Wolf.”

“I know I don’t. So it’s a good thing I really want to.” He says, “Now, get plenty of sleep. You’re going to need it.”

He’s hung up, and I didn’t get a chance to tell him about my nausea. It’s only now I notice, it’s almost gone. And I’m surprised he missed off asking about Lucien.

Getting to spend some time alone with me is probably worth it to him, though, I think, Eh, Wolf? What girl wouldn’t love a rough biker like Wolf?

When I slip into bed, I’m exhausted. I came back to Seattle to try and pick up the pieces of my lawyer life here. And I couldn’t even get through dinner with the senior partner. My emotions are a circus ride right now. I shouldn’t let is spill into my work life, though.

Still, I have a big husky biker flying out to make me feel better. Memories of his hard muscles, picked out in Missouri moonlight, glistening in a sheen of sweat soothe me into slumber. And the dark, dangerous scent of him. The taste.

Blinking, I’m unwilling to be pulled out of the deep pool of sleep. Deep blue velvet darkness is torn and sliced by the flash of my phone. The screen tells me the time, 04:47. Thanks. And the name.


It takes me a stretch of my eyes and a fumble to take the call. “Wolf?”

“You’re sleeping hard, little wildcat. Good thing the Wolf is here to watch over you.”

“Mm,” I yawn. “That’s nice.”



“Well, are you going to let me in? I’ve been down here appreciating the restorative goodness of the famous Seattle mist and ringing your doorbell.”

“Oh? Oh. no, the doorbell doesn’t wake me up.”


“Yeah. It did once. So I disconnected it.”

“Oh!” I can almost hear him shake his head. “How do you know when someone is at the door, then?”

“Um… they’d phone?”

“Okay,” he chuckles. “Well, this is fun. Only, would you let me in now?”

“Oh. Sure.” I must still be half asleep. “Tenth floor,” I tell him.

Hauling myself out from under the cover is harder than I expected. I slump over to press the button for the door and I watch the screen to see that he gets in. A sigh spins inside me when I see him. My Wolf. Here.

I open the door to the apartment before I slide back into bed. Now that he’s here, I’m getting a strange sense of worlds colliding. Like characters from different movies crossing over in the middle of a story.

I like that.

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