Page 54 of Lilith

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“And she’s pregnant,” Ray said.

“Lilith, what are you doing?” Marlon whined.

“Upgrading,” Ray stated.

“Not hardly!” Marlon scoffed.

“You talking shit? I can finish what I started—” Ray cut himself off when his phone dinged. “That’s Memphis at the gate.”

“You letting her in?” I asked.

“Yeah. Can you go open the door for her?”


“The fuck you mean no?” Ray sounded perplexed.

“I mean, you go let her in so I can finish my conversation with Marlon.”

“You know good and got damn well I ain’t doing that. If I let her in, you coming with me!”

I sighed. “Baby, he’s tied up. What can he do to me?”

Ray leaned in close to my ear and said, “I ain’t worried about what he might do. I’m worried about what you might do. You ain’t built to deal with the guilt. Me? I don’t know what guilt feels like when it comes to this shit.”

“What I’ma do? Strangle him or something? I don’t have a gun and wouldn’t know what to do with one if I did.”

“Facts, but you still ain’t staying here. Come on.” He moved closer to Marlon and shoved the gag in his mouth before escorting me out of the room.

“Did you call Memphis?” Lilith asked as we made our way to the front door.

“Yeah, right before I woke you up,” I said.

“How…how long has he been tied up in there?”

I shrugged. “A couple of days. He keeps denying his involvement with this shit. I been tryna convince him to tell me the truth. I finally said fuck it. I’ma do his ass today.”

Lilith groaned, “What is my life?”

Memphis was all business when she arrived, her gear matching mine—a black sweatsuit.

“Y’all sure y’all ain’t fucking? I mean, you coordinated outfits,” Lilith accused.

Memphis and I started talking all over each other. The consensus: we wouldn’t fuck each other even if we were the last people on Earth.

On god, I wouldn’t.

Shit, I wouldn’t fuck the woman who roped me into this addictive career with Marlon’s little dick. Had I seen it? No, he just gave off two-inch energy.

“Anyway, my girl checked all of Marlon’s financials,” Memphis began.

“The hacker chick?” Lilith asked her.

“Yep, and she can’t find anything. None of his bank account or credit card activity would add up to him spending fifty-K on anything. He hasn’t cashed in any investments, no offshore accounts, no hidden accounts, no joint accounts with someone else, nothing untoward at all. He’s squeaky clean, and unfortunately, innocent in this case. The only money leaving his accounts besides what’s required to pay his bills is alimony. Sis, he needs his ass kicked for doing that to you,” Memphis explained.

“Oh, I already took care of that,” I informed her.

“I figured you had,” Memphis stated.

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