Page 55 of Lilith

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“Well, ain’t no sense in delaying shit. I’ma go do him now,” I said.

“Wait! You’re still going to kill him although he didn’t try to have me murdered? You can’t do that, Ray!” Lilith basically yelled.

I shook my head. “Baby, I kidnapped the nigga and held him hostage, kicked his ass. I can’t just set him free to call the cops on me.”

Grasping my arms, she said, “There’s got to be another way! I don’t like how he treated me, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to die!”

“Doesn’t it though?” Memphis interjected.

“Memphis! Are you serious?!” Lilith yelped.

Memphis shrugged. “Yes, but maybe there is another way. I need you to calm down, sis.”

“What you got in mind other than giving him brain damage so he can’t snitch?” I asked.

“You got any benzos?” Memphis replied. “You give him some with some alcohol and he probably won’t remember shit.”

“Probably? That’s a big gamble. I ain’t tryna be locked up away from my wife and kid,” I expressed.

Memphis nodded. “I get that, but you’ve already got cameras in his house and office, spyware on all his devices. If he even thinks about calling the police, we can take care of him. Hell, I’ll do it.”

“A’ight. Let me get the twins to cop the pills. Anything to keep Lilith from worrying,” I agreed.

Lilith released an audible breath. “Thank you, Ray.”

Early the next morning before the sun rose, as we lay in bed, I sighed for the hundredth time, tired of waiting for her to finish.

“Lilith, I’m starting to believe you wanna be back with that lame. Can’t take your eyes off him,” I complained.

With her gaze glued to the video feed on my phone, she muttered, “I just want to make sure he wakes up.”

“I told you I wasn’t gon’ kill him. Damn! The twins drugged his ass and took him home just like I said.”

The video showed him unconscious on his sofa.

“I can’t tell if he’s breathing,” she said.

I sighed again. “Give me that damn phone.” I growled as I plucked my cell from her hands, laying it face down on the nightstand and dimming the only light in the room. “You know, I’m beginning to think you don’t trust me.”

“That’s not it. Accidental overdoses happen all the time.”

“He’s good. Stop worrying and come here.”

She flipped over, pressing her ass to my crotch so that I could spoon her. “You’re so soft and you smell so good. What you doing falling in love with me?” I asked.

“You made me, remember?” she replied.

Chuckling, I slid my hand down her body between her thighs to her naked pussy, sliding two fingers inside her, and soon, drifting off to sleep.


“Everything looks good. Your blood pressure is a little higher than usual but not high enough to cause concern yet. Just take it easy, no stressing,” Denita said after checking me and the baby out. I was now four months along, two months had passed since the Marlon interrogation, and we still had no idea who was trying to kill me. Not stressing was an impossibility.

“Anything special we need to be doing?” Ray asked, sounding anxious.

“Well, the calmer you are, the calmer Lilith and the baby will be,” Denita pointed out.

“What you tryna say? I’m calm,” Ray protested, a vein pulsing in his temple.

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