Page 53 of Lilith

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In response, he pressed some numbers on the keypad that lived next to the door. There was a whirring sound and then some clicks before it opened inward on its own to reveal a gagged and badly bruised Marlon Archer tied to a chair.


What. The. Fuck?!


The safe room was more like a small apartment somehow built inconspicuously into the architecture of the sprawling, single-level home. It was between rooms, but you really couldn’t tell it was there since it was comprised of two levels, the lower one being a finished basement. The room’s entryway was long and hallway-like with monitors and controls along with a built-in table or desk and three chairs lining the left wall—the security hub. I knew there were guns in the basement, a whole arsenal, as well as a living area, bedroom, bathroom, and fully stocked kitchen. Ray had recently added supplies for a baby. The door to this area was painted to look like wood but was actually comprised of a fire-resistant metal.

I blinked and opened my eyes wider to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating or something. Marlon was staring at me, his eyes beseeching.

“Uh, Ray?” I said, keeping my gaze on my deceitful ex. “What the fuck?” My voice was low and too calm considering the current situation.

“The nigga asked to see you. I’m fulfilling his dying wish, baby,” Ray explained.

Marlon started trying to talk through the gag.

Turning to look at my husband, I finally noticed what he had on—a black jogging suit, his little assassin uniform. “Ray, can you remove the gag? I wanna talk to him.”

“About the-fuck what?!” Ray boomed.

“Not about fucking or getting back together, of course! I just wanna know why he’s trying to kill me.”

Ray seemed to think about it and shook his head. “I’ont want him talking to you.”

I wrapped my arms around him, tipping my head up to kiss him. He kissed me back, gripping my booty before smacking both cheeks.

Into his ear, I whispered, “I’m yours. Let me talk to him, love. You can stay right here and watch.”

Ray sighed before stepping over to Marlon and warning, “If you scream, I’ma beat the shit outta you again. You don’t speak until I give you permission. Understand?”

Marlon’s head bobbed up and down.

Ray yanked the gag down to Marlon’s chin and reclaimed his position behind me. Marlon’s lips trembled as he watched me.

I decided to get right to the point. “I know you’re divorced.”

His eyes expanded.

“Why? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Nothing from Marlon.

“Speak, nigga!” Ray thundered.

“I-I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to deceive you. I was planning to marry you but I just…I wanted to be single for a little while.”

“Five years, Marlon? You had me thinking you were still married and feeling guilty about it for five fucking years? And now you’re trying to have me killed so you can inherit my money?!”

He shook his head. “No-no-no! Like I already told him, I didn’t do that! I wouldn’t do that!”

“You think I believe you? You’re a fucking liar!”

“Lilith!” he screeched. “I love you! I want you back. I don’t want you dead even though your boyfriend is a damn monster.”

“Husband. I’m her husband,” Ray corrected.

Marlon’s eyes somehow grew wider. “You married him?!”

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