Page 50 of Lilith
Ilook in the back seat and shake my head at my son who is fidgeting and squirming like I’ve never seen him before.
“He’s super giggly and fidgety tonight. Have you been feeding him sugar before I got home?” I ask Jax as he drives us for pizza.
“Yeah.” He winks at me. “Cubes of the stuff, straight from the bowl.”
“He’s definitely excited about something,” I laugh.
“He loves pizza, don’t you buddy?” Jax says.
“Yes,” Matthias squeaks.
We’ve ordered our pizzas and the waitress brings our sodas and a juice box for Matthias. He takes it and giggles at Jax who fake-scowls at him.
“What’s gotten into you two tonight?” I ask. There’s definitely something going on here.
“I was going to wait until after dinner until you had a full stomach and couldn’t run away,” says Jax, “but my wingman here is about to burst so I kind of think this is my window.”
“Window?” I frown at him but he pushes his chair out and drops to one knee.
My heart starts to hammer in my chest.
“I know this isn’t the most romantic setting, Angel, but our little guy picked the venue.” He looks across at Matthias who giggles uncontrollably.
Our little guy?Damn, that makes my heart melt.
This can’t be happening, can it? He’s about to tie his shoelaces or something. But then he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a beautiful platinum diamond ring. The rock is huge but I don’t even care. It could be a piece of aluminum and it would still have the same meaning.
“You make me happier than I ever thought any person could be. Please say you’ll let me spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you. Will you marry me, Angel?”
I blink at him, and then the ring, and then my son. My heart is racing in my chest and I’m sure that at any moment I’m going to wake up and this will all have been some incredible dream.
“Momma,” Matthias giggles and I realize Jax is still on his knees and I haven’t answered.
“You are the only man I’ll ever love, Jax.” I lean down and kiss him. “You already make me happy beyond my wildest dreams, but I’ll still marry you anyway.”
“Yes,” Matthias shrieks while Jax slides the ring onto my finger before pulling me up from the chair and kissing me.
There’s a chorus of cheers and clapping from the other diners and the restaurant staff, and when he puts me back down on my chair, I can’t stop smiling.
I’m going to marry Jackson Decker!
I’ve been in a blissful daze of happiness throughout our meal and then during the drive home, so I don’t even notice that we’re not driving toward my apartment or Jax’s house until we’re in the hills.
“Jax, where are we going?”
“To give your mom and dad our news.”
“I think giving it over the phone might be best.”
“It’s okay.” He winks at me. “He knows we’re coming.”
“My father knows about this? How?”
“I went to see him today.”