Page 39 of Lilith

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I found her sitting on the side of the bed in my bedroom, the largest room in the house.

“How’d you know this was our room?” I asked, leaning against the door frame as I observed her.

“It’s the room that smells most like you,” she supplied.

With lifted eyebrows, I said, “Really?”

She nodded. “Plus, your clothes are in the closet and your toiletries are in the en-suite.”

I smiled. “I see.”

“Am I still required to piss, shit, and shower with the bathroom door open? Are you still going to stand in the doorway and watch me?”


“You didn’t do that at first, the standing and watching thing.”

“I wasn’t fucking you at first. I like to keep an eye on my pussy.”

She rolled her eyes.

“So…what do you think of the place?” I inquired.

She shrugged. “It’s beautiful, but does it really matter what I think? If I say I want to leave, will you let me?”


She sighed.

Moving to sit beside her on the bed, I asked, “You still tryna run away from me, baby?”

“No. I actually love you for some insane reason. Probably got Stockholm Syndrome or something. I just…I don’t understand what’s going on. You killed someone. I’m not going to tell. Did someone else tell? Is this some safe house you own that the police don’t know about? Are they looking for you?” Her voice broke with the last sentence, her eyes filling with tears as she fixed them on me. She was worried about me.

“You worried about old Diablo?” I jibed, grasping her chin. She was just so damn beautiful to me. Unmatched. “Don’t be. They ain’t kicking in no doors to find that nigga’s killer. Shiddd, I did them a favor.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Don’t worry.”

“I just…I don’t want to lose you. I…I’m pregnant.”


Iwould be lying if I said I was surprised. We’d been fucking raw from day one. That was some irresponsible shit, and I knew it, but I couldn’t think straight when it came to this woman. I wanted her, all of her, and that was all I could see or feel. I was clean, though, and I’d eventually told her so. She relayed that she was, too. Of course, I’d seen her medical records, so I already knew that.

I was happy, excited, and petrified. This development made things more acute and complicated.

Wait till I tell Memphis this shit, I thought.

“How far along?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. I think a few weeks,” she said.

“You happy about it? I mean, I am, but…”

Her eyebrows knitted. “You saying I have a choice in this one thing? Suddenly, I have autonomy?”

“I’m saying, if you’re going to have my baby, I’d like for it to be something you want, something you’re happy about. I don’t want you to suffer. I do love you, remember?”

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