Page 38 of Lilith

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“Get up! Lilith, get the fuck up! NOW!”

Ray’s voice sounded frantic, which quickly shook me from my sleep. Opening my eyes, I saw him standing over me, fully dressed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting up to see my suitcase on the bed beside me, open and full of my clothes. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t have time to explain. We just gotta go. I need you to wake up. Shake that sleep off, and get to moving,” he barked.

He looked…scared. Horacio Diablo Nation looked scared. That was enough to light a fire under my ass. “I’m up, Ray. I…I’m up.”

“Good. Get dressed and throw anything you really need into the suitcase. You got twenty minutes.”

I had no idea what was going on, but I’d never seen this man panic or show the least bit of fear before, so I got myself into gear. Eighteen minutes later, I was following him and Bruno down the stairs, both men holding a suitcase and a gun. I was rushed inside the back of a black SUV where Cato—the twin with the shorter haircut—sat behind the wheel with Bruno taking the front passenger seat and Ray climbing in beside me. Then we were off to…somewhere. Wherever it was, I was sure I’d be safe with Ray.

Wait, what the fuck was I thinking?

I turned to look at him, my eyes narrowed.

His attention was on his phone as he said, “Now is not the time to start some shit with me, baby. Just sit here and let me think.”

“About what?” I questioned. “Because I have a right to know what the fuck is going on!”

Dropping his phone in his lap, he grasped my jaw, pulling my face to his. “I will give you all this dick, rough and hard just how you like it as soon as we reach our destination if you just shut your pretty ass up and let me fucking think,” he growled. Then he kissed me so hard my teeth dug into the inside of my lips.

He jerked his hand from my face, and I looked up to lock eyes with Bruno in the rear-view mirror. His expression told me all I needed to know. So, I turned and stared out the window, leaving Ray to his thoughts and me to mine.

We ended up at his house in The Village, a virtual mansion that was actually pretty far out in the county. I was surprised the area still counted as part of the organized community. He made good on his word, hiking my skirt up and fucking me in the foyer with my panties slid to the side with no thought of my bum ankle. Hell, I couldn’t even feel the pain with all the pleasure he was giving me. Afterwards, he smacked my ass and told me to take a look around while he handled some “business.” So, I commenced to limping through his home.

The house was massive, a ranch-style, adobe structure with gorgeous ornate wooden doors throughout. It was spacious and airy, almost like a resort with a therapeutic feel to it—an odd choice for the killer but absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. Six bedrooms, seven baths, a living room, a study—which he was currently locked up in— a humongous eat-in kitchen, an outdoor dining area, a pool, a fire pit. I loved it.

But why were we here?

Why was us coming here so urgent?

What the fuck was going on?!

“This shit is my fault. I waited too long. I should’ve faked it or something. I knew they’d eventually make this move,” I said into the phone, my voice hushed as I glanced at the closed door to my study.

“It’s on me, too. I thought I could get somewhere with them, but the rules are ironclad. Once the process begins, it’s like a locomotive with no breaks. I knew that, but damn!” Memphis said.

“Yeah. This…I can’t…fuck.”

“You actually love her, don’t you?”

“Only woman I’ve ever loved. I ain’t have time for that shit before.”

“What made you have time now?”

“She did. Her being her. I can’t explain it. I don’t really think I understand it. I saw her and knew she was mine.”

“And her silly ass went along with it. Lilith has always been such a romantic. That’s why she stayed with Marlon for so long. I hate him almost more than I hate you.”

“I hate you, too.”

“Good. Look, get my sister settled in and call me later so we can get a plan together. We need to end this ASAP…by any means necessary.”

“Them the only means I know.”

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