Page 28 of Captive Consort

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I glare at him before walking down the hallway. “I don’t listen when Kyson tells me to hide. What makes you think I’m going to listen to you?”

Elfde slinks up beside me, rubbing against my leg as I walk, and I can’t help but chuckle when I hear him curse. His footsteps follow mine down the hallway as I make my way to my only friend’s bedroom to check on her.

The door flies open before I can twist the handle, a very disheveled Lily staring at me in shock.

“Are we really going through this again?” she asks with a frown. “I just fell asleep.”

“I was getting a sandwich. Shit happens.”

“What now?” she asks, giving Aaron a questioning look.

“The protocol is…” he starts but I cut him off.

“You and your protocol can kiss my ass. If Lily wants to be locked in a safe room that’s her choice but I’m not going down there.”

“Whatever,” he grumbles before walking away, knowing that nothing he says is going to change my mind.

I don’t wait to hear what Lily decides, knowing she will do what is best for her. I make my way back to our room to once more retrieve the rifle but stop dead in my tracks once I enter. Stepping back, I push the door closed, leaning my back against it. I can’t allow Lily or Elfde into the room.

Staring back at me is Liam, the Jagter I have been dreaming about since I bonded with Kyson. My consort is going to lose his ever-loving fucking mind the moment he finds out about this.

A second later another explosion rocks the coven house. Liam smiles at me and I know I’m in this alone. He has everything planned out. I’m not here, alone, by accident. Every detail of this was planned. His green eyes glitter with malice as he takes me in.

“You’re such a pretty thing, why would you get wrapped up with these bloodsucking parasites?”

“You’re not too hard on the eyes either,” I sass in return. “How’d you become a psycho?”

“I don’t know what Kyson told you but they are abominations. They don’t deserve to live.” He talks as he moves around, taking in our private space. He sounds like he is discussing the damn weather. “They feed off us, treating us like cattle. How can you stand by while you know this is happening?”

“Are we living in the Stone Age?” I roll my eyes. “There have been medical advancements. Most only feed off donated blood now.”

A harsh laugh falls from his lips, a look of pity on his face.

“You can’t possibly be that naive. You’re a walking, talking meal to him.”

“I am his consort,” I hiss.

“Yes, I’ve heard of this. You’re the only woman he will ever love.”

The determination in his gaze has a shiver of fear running up my spine. I can see the calculation in his eyes and I know one of the visions that has haunted me will come true before the morning sun rises over the horizon.

“Are you going to do something or are you trying to bore me to death?”

He tilts his head to the side studying me. “I’m actually sad that I have to kill you. You’ve got spunk.”

“You’ve got no idea, asshole.”

I spread my legs, preparing for his assault. My heart rate slows, and the smell of something burnt assails my nose as I take a deep steadying breath. I remember what Kyson told me about the Jagters. Strong and fast but still human. The weight of the handgun in the back of my pants is a reminder that I have an unknown advantage.

Shifting my weight from one leg to another, I make sure I have a firm grip on my weapon. A look of pity flashes across the Jagter’s features and I know that he has fallen into my trap. He sees me as trapped prey but he couldn’t be more wrong.

I’m the hunter.

Liam steps closer slowly, reaching out to touch me. I wait.

His hand caresses my face, pushing my hair behind my ear. And I wait.

“I’ll do this fast,” he whispers. “But know that your death is the thing that will push Kyson to be reckless. Your sacrifice will help me finally wipe him from the face of the earth.”

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