Page 29 of Captive Consort

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I smile.

He frowns.

The gunshot rings through the room, deafening. My ears ring as I watch the smile slip from Liam’s face as he stares down at the blood oozing from his stomach before his knees give out.

Chapter Twenty-Two


My Consort, The Warrior

This time I do get the notifications, so Mateo’s obviously fixed whatever vulnerability was hiding in the system. But it’s useless because I get them too fucking late.

The first explosion throws everyone off-kilter. It’s done more to shatter the false calm we’ve been living in since last week’s attack than it has any clear, physical damage. I can feel Scarlet’s discontent and growing agitation beneath my own.

“I hope you’ve memorized protocol by now,” I snap to Simon, one of the two refugees we took in recently. Of the two, he’s shown more interest in contributing and making use of himself.

We part ways at the first juncture in the hall. I want to go to Scarlet, because I’m certain that strong-willed woman won’t even consider her own safety this time, but I have to know what the Jagters were targeting with that explosion. So, for the moment, I must pacify myself with the emotions I can sense in her.

I meet Aziel and Rowan outside Mateo’s office. Mateo’s door is closed, and we can all hear him talking to himself in a tone that indicates something is wrong.

“The perimeter’s been breached,” Aziel says. “Seems this time they brought a key.”

I hold his stare. “Last time, Liam brought more than that.” It’s important for all of us that Aziel remembers the weapon undoubtedly in someone’s pocket.

“Kyson!” The angry voice jars our attention and I turn my head to find Luther stomping up to us, glaring at me. “Your consort is a bad influence. Lily’s refusing to take shelter now. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

I growl right back. “Your arrangement with Lisette is your issue, Luther. Do not speak ill of my—”

Anything I might have said is lost to a second explosion. Louder and closer than the first. Luther catches himself on the far wall as Mateo curses from inside his office.

“We don’t have time for squabbling,” Aziel says sharply. “Sort out your personal problems later.”

Mateo’s door flies open. “Intruders!” He’s shouting, which is just startling enough that it takes me a split-second to process his declaration. “They’re in the building. The Jagters are inside!”

Luther curses and disappears down the hall.

My instincts split in two directions. The warrior inside of me wants nothing more than to destroy the enemy that has dared cross onto my territory and threaten my home. It’s what I should be doing, even if I want just as badly to go to Scarlet and protect her. Nothing can touch her if I stand in front of her.

I turn my head to Rowan, fighting through my more primal reflexes in an attempt to think of what best serves us as a whole, but as I open my mouth the worst thing slices through me.

Fear. Scarlet’s fear.

She shoves it down as quickly, but it’s too late. It leaves me reeling. Her fear is overwhelmed by determination, and no matter how much I expected such a response, I become certain of one unacceptable reality.

My lips curl over my fangs as I snarl out the only words I can manage. “Rally everyone who cares about seeing tomorrow. They fight or they die.”

“Kyson?” Aziel addresses me, undoubtedly noticing a change in my attitude, but I ignore him.

I step around him, around Rowan, and break into a full run. It’s foolish to run at top speed inside the house when our covenmates are bound to be panicking and we’ve just been informed there are also intruders on the premises. I do not care. Scarlet’s most prevalent new vision is bearing down upon her and I will rip out my own throat before I allow her to bleed.

In my peripheral vision, I notice movement. I hear shouting. I hear what should have been a ferocious roar. The scent of human blood quickly begins to permeate the compound, and I ignore it all. Until I reach the place the bond inside is guiding me to.

The bedroom I share with my consort.

My hand is on the doorknob when a gunshot explodes in my ears. My sanity feels as if it shatters alongside the sudden sound, my brain registering the immediate accompaniment of yet more blood. No!

I rip the heavy door half-off its hinges, lock and all, already snarling at the threat I expect to find.

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