Page 26 of Choke Hold

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“I can,” I snap at him. I motion for him to get back into position. “Again.”

As he settles between my legs, bringing us back into closed guard, he meets my eyes and tilts his head.

“What,” I sigh.

“I can help you if you can get over yourself for a minute.”

Fuck. How easy it is to fall back into rival territory with this fucker.

I swallow down my pride and remind myself why we’re doing this in the first place. So he can help me with this, and so he can get out of his head.

I open my hands wide in a welcoming gesture and slap on a smile. “Do tell, oh wise one.”

He grabs my arm and rolls us over so he’s now on the bottom.

Can’t say I’m too mad at that idea.

“Something you want to tell me, Ty?” I ask.

“Shut the fuck up and listen,” he snaps, keeping hold of my right arm. “You can do a great white grip.”

I shake my head. “Don’t know what that is.”

“That’s why I’m going to show you.”

He keeps his grasp on my forearm and pulls it down to his chest, snaking his left arm through the outside so the crook of his elbow is against mine. He then grasps my elbow with his other hand so he has my forearm completely locked against his chest.

“Ok…” I murmur, unsure how the fuck I’ll be getting out of this one.

He then pushes off the mat onto his hip, putting his right knee into my sternum and his left leg down to sweep my knees and roll me over.

And there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop it.

Ty effortlessly rolls on top of me, keeping my arm in his grip.

But apparently this doesn’t end with just a sweep. He smirks down at me, then pops up onto his feet over my hips. And fuck… I have a bad feeling about this.

His left foot moves up beside my head as he rotates my arm in a direction it does not want to go… in a fucking double joint armlock.

I tap him with a grunt, and he releases me.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask, rubbing my elbow.

He sits beside me, running a hand through his hair. “If you keep the great white grip through the sweep, there’s a few things you can do with it. A modified kimura is one of them.”

I stare back at him for a moment before I shake my head in disbelief at how fucking cool that move was. “Fuck… I can’t even be mad about that.”

Ty moves onto his knees and motions for me to lie down. “So, do it.”

I settle back onto the mat and wrap my legs around his waist, hiding my smile as I take in the confidence and determination in him.

He may be an asshole, and I may be ‘annoying’… but my plan worked.


The burn in my muscles is a welcome distraction from the thoughts swirling around in my head as I finish the last of my shoulder presses. With an exhale, I head over to the weight rack to swap out my dumbbells to start on bicep curls.

“Stop right now, thank you very much.”

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