Page 108 of Choke Hold

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“Good, Ty,” Max calls from the side of the cage. “Don’t rush it.”

I scoff, tapping my gloves together as I smirk at Ty. Always planning, always thinking. This is our last hard spar before we taper our training for LFA, and he’s deep in his head. But I get a little rush when I think about last night and how he lost all control…

Then Ty pulls a fucking switch kick on me which blows my fucking mind.

“What the fuck,” I grunt as I block it at the last minute since I thought he was coming in with a left kick, when it was actually the right.

Well color me impressed…

I come in with a combo on him, getting a hit to his head and ribs, but as I move back and go for another kick, he grabs my foot and takes me down to the cage floor.

“Get the hip, Luca!” Max calls out, but I’m one step ahead of him.

Ty attempts to move into mount, but I hip escape and get my foot under me. Except then the fucker flips onto his back and immediately wraps his legs around my waist, putting us in closed guard as I’m up on one foot and one knee.

So I punch him.

I get him on the chin, but he blocks the rest of my hits as he pulls one of his knees up to his chest to protect his body. And as I elbow the back of his leg, I get a view of his ass, which is nice.

No. Fucking focus. I can get back up in there later.

Ty pushes against me to spin on his back so his head is now at my knee, and he gets a body shot to my ribs as I attempt a hold on his legs. But this is a terrible place for me to be, because as his legs wrap around my neck, my ribs are left wide open for him and I can’t move. I can’t get any hits on him either, as his arms are blocking his body, and I’m distracted because his dick is in my face and mine is in his.

And while my brain is busy imagining just what we could do later, he pulls some crazy fucking move where he pushes against the cage wall with his feet and rolls his body to push me backwards. As I land on my ass, he rushes me… and pulls me into an armbar.

Always the armbars with this asshole.

I tap him with a grunt and push to my feet, fixing my headband since he fucked it up by holding my head with his sexy thighs.

“Luca,” Max sighs and hangs his fingers on the cage, peering through at me. “Where is your head?”

I sigh as well and point an accusing finger at Ty. “Look, first it was his ass in my face, and then his dick, and if you knew what we did last night you would understand why it’s been so difficult to stay focused.”

Ty sighs and turns away from Max, who just presses his lips together as he glances between us.

“Ok…” Max says slowly, “well, this is your last spar before LFA, so–”

“Get my head out of Ty’s ass, got it.” I nod, tapping my gloves together and turning to Ty. “Let’s do this.”

He blows out a breath and meets me in the middle of the cage. I hold out my glove, and his eyes meet mine as he taps it with his.

I smile, moving into my stance and getting in the zone. “LFA, here we come.”


I grab my water bottle and take a drink, both relieved and on edge about finishing my last workout before LFA. As usual, this last week leading up to the fight has been difficult since I crave the hard workouts to keep the restless energy out. But each time it’s getting easier to manage, and this time… it hasn’t been that bad.

“I’m going to sleep so hard on the plane tomorrow,” Elijah says as he drops down onto the mats in the gym, also finished with his run.

Seb is already sprawled out next to Adão on the mats and lifts his head to look around at us all. “Whose bright idea was it to book a flight at 5:30 AM anyway?”

“Mine.” Max exits his office and crosses his arms, looking down at Seb. “So you can have the entire day in the hotel to comfortably cut any remaining weight before weigh-in tomorrow night. Got a problem with that?”

Seb quickly shakes his head. “No. Nope. Not at all.”

“Didn’t think so,” Max says, a small smirk peeking through.

“So, anyone need a ride to the airport in the morning?” Luca asks, also dropping down to sit on the mats, and pulling me with him. “Because Ty will be bright-eyed and bushy-bearded that early in the morning, so he’ll drive.”

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