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“Okay.” He sucked in a breath and finally met her eyes. “I’ll try.”

Ava clung to him, needing to be close to him as he continued to grapple with the decision. “We can do this together. I won’t leave you, and I’m certain no one else will want to, either.”

When they knocked on the door to his sovereigns’ house only ten minutes later, she checked her outfit for the thousandth time. Originally, she hadn’t cared what impression she made on the Raeths Remmus had pledged his loyalty to, but now that they’d mated, it was all she could think about.

What had Nina and Zeke thought about Ava’s resentment when she had first arrived? Her harsh words had been directed at the man who’d laid in a coma partially because of her actions. After that, she’d run off and blown up the plant by herself, requiring Remmus to teleport into danger to protect her. Her teeth worried over her lip as she fidgeted beside her mate. Remmus, the saint, only chuckled.

“Don’t fret, Blondie. I’m sure my sovereigns already have a solidified opinion of you. No sense in worrying now.”

She let her fist sail into his shoulder, hard enough that his grin became wolfish. That, of course, was the moment Zeke opened the door.

“While we typically refrain from physical violence on clan lands, Ava,” Zeke said, “I’ll make an exception for you.”

“Shall we bow before your benevolence, oh great one?”

“If I wanted teasing, I would’ve joined a rock band in the 80s.” Zeke shot a conspiring look at Ava. “You’ll need all the tricks in your book to keep this one on the leash.”

Ava’s wolf preened in her chest. With a welcoming tilt of his head, Zeke lead them both back to the living room where Kaien, Blair, and Nina sat. On the table in front of them, there were sets of baby clothes that the two women were beaming over.


The deep purr of Remmus’ voice made Ava’s wolf wag her tail, her attention torn between remaining with her mate and bounding over to get a good look at the cuteness.

As if sensing her quandary, Nina’s patted the seat next to her. “Come help us sort, Ava.”

Giving Remmus’ hand one last squeeze, she strode over to the couches and started to coo. Nina had turned her attention to Remmus, assessing him with a keen eye.

“How’re you feeling?”

“Better. I don’t feel quite up to fighting a bear, but I think I’ll make it.”

“I’ll be certain to ward off any ursine trouble in the coming weeks, then.”

“Did your clan mark show up?” Blair asked Ava.

The Blaede clan mark, a physical manifestation of their allegiance, had appeared on her left shoulder blade the moment she’d mated with Remmus.

“Signed, sealed, and delivered. Guess I’m claimed now.”

“No returns, Ava.” Kaien grinned from where he stood shoulder to shoulder with her mate. “Have you two thought about what Luna is offering?”

Remmus nodded. “Yes.”


Reluctance weighed heavy, but she supported his decision with affection through their connection. He’d been strong for so long and carried the burden alone. Now, she could be strong for him.

“We’ll try it,” Remmus finally said. “Can’t make it any worse, right?”

Everyone in the room sat up a bit straighter as sounds of approval rumbled in their throats. “I’m glad, Remmus.”

And then Zeke said something she didn’t expect. “Might help your new gift, too.”


Remmus’ face twisted into boyish confusion, and Ava’s heart hurt with the vulnerability that she saw there.

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