Page 7 of Nasty Alpha

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She licked her lips and then thought aboutit. It wasn’t a lot, shedid love to grocery shop. She always nominated herself to doit.

“I can do that. It’s not on my mom’s jobdescription, but I know she won’t have a problem withit.”

Beau pulled out his wallet and handed her a card with his nameon it. “Every Monday, I want groceries delivered. I don’t give afuck what you get, just make sure we can make meals out ofit.”

Eloise took the card. “Do you have anyallergies that I shouldknow about?”

“Yeah, I’m allergic to humans.”

This made her laugh as he passed her.

She guessed she now had an extra job to do.Shoving his card into her back pocket, she made her way back totown.

Heading home, she found the house wasempty. She didn’t know where her mother was, but she never kept track of her anyway. Theylived their own lives. She pulled the card from her back pocket andstared down at the name. Beau Alpha. He wasn’t kidding. His name was literally called Alpha,which she found awesome.


Three Months Later

Beau wasn’t a fool. He knew none of his packwere cooking the delicious food he’d been eating for the pastweek.

On Monday morning, he sent the whole packout to the ranch, and then waited as Eloise did her job. She drove into the front ofthe ranch house, parked, and began to hoist bags of groceries intohis kitchen.

She hummed to herself as she did this. EveryMonday, when he returned at lunchtime, the scent of lemon was heavyin the air. He loved her smell and it did linger.

Once all the bags were in the kitchen, sheremoved her jacket, rolled up her sleeves, and got to workputting everything away.He also noticed she put labels on certain foods.

Before long, she’d unloaded the groceriesand he noticed there were no vegetables or meat, or alot of otherthings.

The bags she unpacked were not groceries,but already prepared meals, and this time, he stepped into thekitchen.

“What are you doing?”

Eloise let out a scream, putting a hand toher chest, and spinning around. “Fuck! You scared the shit out ofme.”

“I don’t see shit on the floor, and I don’tlike being lied to.”

“What?” she asked, frowning at him.

“What the fuck is all of this?” heasked.

He pointed at the already prepared food.

“It’s food for the week for everyone hereat the ranch.”

Beau glared at her. “I didn’t ask you tocook for me.”

“You didn’t, Rose did.”


This did surprise him as the last time hechecked, Rose couldn’t stand humans, and didn’t even bother going into No WolvesRoad for that very reason.

“Yeah, she called me on the card, asking mehow to cook about a month after I’d been doing your groceryshopping. She didn’t know how to cook something, and then we gottalking, and she asked if I’d provide the weekly meals. I happen tocook.”

Beau folded his arms. “Youlike to cook and youlike to grocery shop?”

“Yeah, I’m quite boring, but I consider itexciting.”

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