Page 38 of Nasty Alpha

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Eloise didn’t know if she liked that. Onthe one hand, she was still a little pissed at him for treating herthe way he had. Then again, she couldn’t deny the fact that eventhough he’d hurt her with his accusations, and he had, she stillwanted him. She knewthat was crazy, and she shouldn’t be having any feelings for him,but they were there.

Having sex with Beau wouldn’t be the end ofthe world, but Eloise knew, for her, it was going to mean a lotmore.

She’d tried to fight it. It was a secret shehad kept to herself, but she’d fallen in love with Beau Alpha, andall he’d done was break her heart.


One Month Later

Everyone knew to give him a wide berth.

Beau was used to people avoiding him formany different reasons. He wasn’t a nice person,only now with Eloisethere but out of arm’s reach, he found himself even moreunpleasant. He couldn’t help it.

He knew that what he was dealing with was no one else’sfault. He’d been the one to fuck it up with Eloise. He’d known shehadn’t been with another man, and yet he’d thrown out thoseaccusations. They had absolutely no truth, and it pissed him offthat he even said that shit.

His whole pack had gone to visit her, swearing their loyalty toher. Rose had already explained to him what happened, and howsurprised Eloise had been. He’d not told his pack to accept her.All he’d done was fill in the blanks and told them that Eloisewould belong to him one day.

At this very second, he didn’t have a cluewhen that was going to be. For the past month, he’d been close toher. After all his workwas done on the ranch, which the pack helped him to complete, hewent into town and often found her in the haberdashery she ownedwhere she, her sister, and her mother worked.

He’d stand in the shop trying to be closeand at the same timekeep his distance from Eloise. The scent of her allowed his beastto calm. That was another problem he was having. Ever since she hadtold him she was pregnant and he’d acted that way, his wolf hadstarted to get out of control. Fighting impulses to be close to herwas getting harder with every passing second. He couldn’t deny itanymore, not that he wanted to in the first place. It was a badtime in his life when his wolf knew better than he did, but thatwas exactly the case.

And he didn’t want to control it. Not for asecond.

Beau was always there forEloise. He did the heavylifting, drove her home, got her food and water, often it was alittle milk. Rose had already told him that she wasn’t eatingenough, so he always came with more food for her.

“What are you doing?” Rose asked, cominginto his sitting room.

He hadn’t even bothered to put the light on.“Drinking whiskey.”

“You’re in a mood,” she said.

“It’s Halloween, what are you doing home?”he asked. There hadn’t been any kids stopping by his ranch this year, but he’d also notgone and gotten any candy.

“I had a feeling you were going to missthis opportunity to be with Eloise, and I decided to stay home so I could kick yourass back out there.”

“I’m not going to a Halloween party.”

Rose blew out a long breath. “Why do menhave to make life so freaking difficult? Forgive me, Alpha,” shesaid, and then took his glass of whiskey away, throwing it in hisface, before slapping him—not hard, butenough to get him to his feet.

His growl echoed around the room.

“You’re in love with Eloise Richards. Youhave been sneaking around with that woman, enjoying her, and nowshe is pregnant,carrying your son or daughter, and let me remind you, you fucked itall up. I don’t know your reasoning for doing so, and you knowwhat, I don’t even care, the fact of the matter is, it happened,and now you’ve got to deal with the consequences. Now, get off yourass, and why don’t you use this opportunity to be withher?”

“How dare you!”

“How dare me? How dare you,doing this to the pack. Do you have any idea how we’re all feeling?Eloise is pack. You’re a miserable fucker, and you’re makingeveryone else suffer because of what you did, and guess what, noneof us are liking it. Now, do us all a favor, get off your ass, goand win your woman. We’re not saying it’s going to be an overnightsuccess, but it’s got to be better than you moping around here. Fixit.”

Beau wanted to yell at Rose. He wanted totell her to get the hell out of his house, but the truthwas … she was right, which healso hated. He didn’t want her to be right.

“She’s at Wayne’s bar,” he said.

“Good, then go.”

“You have to be in costume.” Now he feltpathetic. He’d not gotten a costume, or thought aboutcrashing Eloise’s party.It was going to be one of the last times she had aparty.

Rose took a deep breath andlet it out before movingforward. She grabbed the seams of his shirt and tore them off hisbody. She did the same to the bottoms of his trousers, and then sheadded some claw marks around the pants. Next, she roughed up hishair.

“I’d punch you, but we both know thatdoesn’t scare you.There, you look like a man ravaged by a beast. Go and win her backand stop moping. You got yourself into this mess.”

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