Page 37 of Nasty Alpha

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Eloise glanced down at herburger and finishedchewing the mouthful she had. “That’s a thing?”

“Yep, wolf pregnancies can be fraught with alot of emotion,” Rose said. “I’ve been talking to some wolves thathave been pregnant from other packs.”

“Oh,” Eloise said. “Do you think it could bethe same for me? I’m not a wolf.”

“Well, have you noticed an increasedappetite for food, more specifically meat?”

“Yeah,” she said, slowly.

“Then, so far, the effects are quitesimilar. I would say you need to eat a lot more. You look likeyou’re losing too muchweight, and you need to be gaining weight. Are you starvingyourself?”

“I’m not trying to, but it feels weird always beinghungry.”

“You’ve got to feed that hunger. You’reeating for two.”

“Easy for you to say,” Eloise said,finishing her burger.

“I’ll go to the diner and get you some morefood.” Rose turned,about to leave.

“Wait, hold on. Uh, three guys from yourranch stopped by.”


“They each got down on one knee, bowed their heads, and were kindof silent. Were they putting a curse on me?”

Rose burst out laughing. “You’re so cute.No, they weren’t cursing you. Wolves cannot and don’t curse anyone. They were swearingtheir loyalty to you as their new pack female.”

“What?” Eloise asked.

“It’s no longer surprising news. You’recarrying Beau’s baby, and within our pack, that means a lot. You’repack now, Eloise. Your baby will be one of us, and that means youare as well.”

“But, what Beau said, and all thosethings—”

“Beau’s an ass, and I can say that about myalpha. He has been one, but I have a feeling that might change.”

“He hurt me, Rose.”

Rose moved a little closer. “I know he did,and I am so sorry. I know the pack isn’t happy with him, but Imight want to caution you about kicking him out of your life forgood.”


“Wolf pregnancies are … complicated. Theremight come a time when you’re going to need him.”

Eloise frowned as she looked toward herfriend. “Complicated? In what way?”

“It’s nothing bad. Just certain passions areunleashed, and it makes people a little … crazy.”


“Yes. Again, not tooterrifying. You know,normal stuff that everyone experiences, only in a wolf pregnancyit’s heightened.”

“I feel you’re saying something withoutsaying something,” Eloise said.

Rose nibbled the corner of her mouth andthen forced a smile. “It’s sex, Eloise. Right now, you’re feelingall crappy because your body is going through some massive changesfor the baby, but at some point in said pregnancy, that is allgoing to change. You’ve got to trust me on this, and when itdoes, well, it is goingto have a big effect.”


“Yes, you’re going to want it, badly, andwell, you and Beau may not like this, but you’re both clearly meant for one another,and that is going to bring you together in a way you weren’tprepared for.”

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