Page 36 of Nasty Alpha

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He smiled. “That’s what you think, butthen again, this is your first relationship, so youdon’t know what can bedone. Good night, Eloise.”

Chapter Ten

“So what do you think he’s going to do?” Dorothy asked.

“I have no idea. I’ve never been in thissituation. You’ve got more experience than me.” Eloise put the lastof the stock onto the shelves. Her mother had banned her fromcarrying fabric and heavy weights. She had to think about her ownhealth and the baby’s.

None of them were talking about the realelephant in the room. She was carrying a wolf baby, and she wasvery much human. She didn’t know what that meant, but there were times she caughther mother looking at her stomach with concern.

According to Rose, her babywould not eat or clawits way out of the womb. Like humans, they were born human, andnone of them showed any wolf signs until they were eighteen.Eighteen—coming ofage—signifying achange to that of a wolf.

Eloise didn’t know how she was going tohandle raising a wolf child. She put a hand on her stomach and then glanced up tosee Dorothy looking at her.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything is fine. You know, justgetting used to the whole pregnancy thing.”

“What’s it like?” Dorothy asked.

“Being pregnant?”


“I don’t know. Rough at the moment. I don’treally feel any differently right now.” She put a hand to herstomach. “The vomiting in the morning sucks, and well, having myclothes feel a little tight isn’t fun.” She shrugged. “I’ll let youknow if any of that changes.”

“So, back to the main problem. Beau.”

“Beau is not going to be a problem,” Eloisesaid.

“But he’s going to try and win you back.”

“I doubt it. He’s probably gone home andseen what a waste of time it is, and I won’t have to worry at all.”Eloise smiled at her sister.

“Uh, Eloise, three very handsome hunks havejust entered the shop.”

Eloise spun around to see they were the guysfrom the ranch, part of Beau’s pack.

She’d only spoken to them in passing, butthey all walked toward her. For some reason, she knew they were notgoing to harm her as they got closer. What surprised her evenmore was they suddenlybent down on one knee before her. No words were spoken, and theybowed their heads. Eloise looked toward her sister, and it wasclear Dorothy didn’t have a clue.

Seconds passed, maybe a full minute, andthen they stood, and one by one, reached for her head, to press akiss to their knuckles.Without another word, they left.

“That’s not something you see every day,”Dorothy said. “Do you have a clue what just happened?”

“Not at all, but they’re part of Beau’spack.”

“You don’t think he’s just puta weird voodoo spell onyou?”

Eloise laughed. “Hopefully not. We betterget back to work.”

Hours ticked by, and Eloise was enjoyingher lunch. Dorothy had gone out to lunch, and seeing as it was a slow day in theshop, she didn’t mind holding the fort.

Rose came in as she took a bite of herburger.

“Hello, stranger,” Rose said, stepping up tothe counter.

With her mouth full of a burger, she simplyheld her hand up and waved.

“Ah, the meat cravings have struck,” Rosesaid.

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