Page 27 of Nasty Alpha

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“I’m pregnant. Ta-da.”

“No, this is serious,” Eloise said, pacingthe small bathroom. It had been strange to have Rose present whileshe took the test. She didn’t know why the other woman wasbeing so … sweet to her. “He’snot going to believe me.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. He told me there was no riskof us getting pregnant,and now I’m pregnant.”

The doorbell rang and she panicked.

“Who is that?” she asked.

Rose frowned. “I’m sorry, but I might havecalled Beau, you know,for him to come and talk to you.”

“Why would you do that?” Eloise asked.

“I thought it would be good for … you two.You know, having a tiny little baby at the ranch. It would be a lotof fun.”

Eloise didn’t have any other words,just panic.

“It’s going to be okay. Trust me. Beau isgoing to love this news, and the pack adores you.”

“They don’t know me.”

“But you can cook, and they love that.Also, they love that you’re able to do laundry. That is a big thing forthem.”

Eloise didn’t feel like laughing. She wasn’t even close tolaughing. In fact, she felt close to tears. This wasn’tgood.

“I’ll stay here,” Rose said.

Eloise didn’t want to do this, but sheknew there was no point in denying it. She made her way downstairs toward the front door.She opened it just as Beau was about to start knocking with hisknuckles as they were held up, poised to knock.

“Eloise,” he said. “Rose told me to comeover, that something was happening.”

He cupped her face and moved into herhome, closing the door behind him. Always keeping their relationship asecret.

“Is everything okay?”

She didn’t have the first clue how tostart this conversation. This felt like the last time he told hershe should just come out and say what was on her mind, and that wasabout her virginity. This wasn’t about her firsttime, though. This wasabout sex.

They were having a baby.

She stared at Beau and even though fear ranup her spine, she just decided to tell him the truth.

“I’m pregnant.”

Seconds passed, then maybe evenminutes, and Beau didn’tsay anything. He just stood there and stared at her.

Eloise felt tears fill her eyes, becauseshe knew this wasn’t going to be the happy news Rose assumedit would be.

“Who have you been fucking?” he asked.


“You heard me. I can’t get you pregnant.That brat is not mine, so who have you been playing with?”

“You’re accusing me of sleeping with someoneelse?” Eloise asked.

“I told you that a wolf and a human cannotget fucking pregnant. You’re not my mate, Eloise, which meansthat baby is not mine.Who have you been with? Who?”

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