Page 25 of Nasty Alpha

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“No, they wouldn’t dare.”

She chuckled.

“What about you?” he asked.


“Yeah, you’ve got a mom and a sister. Whyare you with me rather than hanging out with them?”

“They had their own plans, and I was homealone.”

He didn’t like that. “Does that happenoften?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“I don’t think you should behome alone. Why don’t your momand sister spend time with you?”

Eloise chuckled. “We’re all grown women,Beau. Mom can go out and date or hang out with friends. She doesn’tneed to worry about young daughters. We’re both adults now. We haveour own life, and we hang out and work together. Trust me,it’s fine this way.Besides, if they didn’t have a social life, they’d only steal thefood I cook for you and your pack on the weekends.”

“Yeah, speaking of the weekends, howis it with Rose hangingout with you?” Rose had come to him a couple of weeks back and toldhim she liked Eloise. She had also been very blunt in telling himshe knew about him and Eloise. She wasn’t going to tell any of thepack, but she also didn’t approve of them keeping itsilent.

He was shocked to find that Rose did, infact, like Eloise. The two had been hanging out more and more overthe past month.

“It’s pretty good. I like her. She tellsbad jokes when it gets quiet between us. At times, I’m not sure ifshe’s happy that she … likes me.” Eloise frowned. “Why does shehate humans so much?”

“That’s Rose’s story. I don’t know the full details of itmyself. I know she’s a good pack woman, and that’s all I need toknow.”

“I like her. She’s a good person,” Eloisesaid. “And she hasn’t told anyone about us?”


They were silent.

Beau wasn’t ready to tell anyone about himand Eloise. Each night, he expected this need to dissipate. Thefire to finally extinguish. Like every time before, even now, hebanded his arms around her and held her tight, not wanting to let go. This is how it wasevery single time.

There was going to come a time when thisdidn’t happen. When they were not fire together, but ice, orsomething else.

He was under no illusions about how theywere going to be together.

Eloise distracted him, letting out a moan,and snuggling back against him. His cock was still in her ass, and he knew he needed to getthem both cleaned up.

Pulling out of her ass, he rolled off thebed, and without waiting for her to be ready, he pickedher up in his arms. As much ashe’d love to watch his cum spilling from her ass and pussy, he alsoliked bathing with her. They rarely got to do it, and he’ddiscovered a love of washing her body, and he no longer wanted todeny himself.

They were at his ranch, alone, and he hada nice, largebathtub.

“Beau, put me down!” She burst out laughingas he carried her to the tub. He lowered her down, and she let outa little squeal as he put the cold water on first. “What are youdoing?”

He then turned on the hot water, and climbed in behindher.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” heasked, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her back againsthim, and then he pressed his lips against her ear.“Or do I need to fill in theblanks?”

She leaned back against him. “No blanks needto be filled. This feels nice.”

Beau couldn’t agree more. It did feelnice, but what he didn’twant to think about was just how nice this felt betweenthem.

He had a feeling he could get usedto the feel of her inhis arms, and that surprised him.

Chapter Seven

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