Page 23 of Nasty Alpha

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“Don’t worry about it.”

“This doesn’t mean anything,” Eloisesaid.

Rose pulled out the chair at the small tablethey used in the kitchen. “It doesn’t?”


“Or are you trying to tell me this doesn’tmean anything to Beau?” Rose asked.

She didn’t know how to answer that.Thankfully the kettle began tomake its high-pitched squeal to let her know it wasdone.

With the hot chocolate made, she placed itin front of Rose, and then got to work on preparing the next mealaccording to her list. She tried to keep it a balance of meat andvegetables. Rose had already told her not to bother with fish, butshellfish was okay. None of the pack liked other fish.

She rarely cooked fish herself, so most ofthe dishes were meat and poultry. Now, she couldn’t believe why shewas thinking about thelist of food groups. It helped to distract her from the fact a packwoman was in the kitchen.

“You know, in all of the years I’ve knownBeau, he’s never spent this much time with a woman.”

Eloise looked up at the other woman. Shedidn’t want to have hope when it came to Beau.

“You don’t have to try and set anything up.Trust me, I already know what I’ve gotten myselfinto with Beau,” Eloisesaid.

“And what is that?”

“I know this is going to be fun, and whenhe’s done and finished,he’ll move on to whoever he wants next.” She shrugged. It wasn’texactly a fun thought, and she hated the jealousy that seemed tospiral up inside her at the thought of him with any otherwoman.

“Is this why you’re sneaking around?” Roseasked.

“No, I don’t think so. We’re sneaking aroundbecause … we don’t want anyone to know our business. You’re goingto have to tell Beau that you know.”

“Don’t tell him.”

Eloise threw her hands up in the air andshook her head. “Don’t do that to me. Don’t put me in the middle ofwhatever pack rules orlaws are going on right now. I don’t know them. I’m not here tocause trouble.”

Rose suddenly smiled and it was a wide,happy smile. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

“I have no idea what is going on rightnow.”

“In my experience, mosthumans—nooffense—are only afterwhat they can get, and to hell with the consequences. I’ve seen itwith several of the guys in the pack. Some of the human women justwant to pit one against the other, as if they get off on the fightthat’s going to break out.”

“I’m not here to cause any rift. Whathappened between me and Beau was unexpected. I’ve seen the waywolves treat us.”

She saw Rose tense up. “What the hell isthat supposed to mean?”

“You can’t get upset or even offended with what I’ve said. I knowmy sister likes playing with wolves, and there is a lot of sexgoing on, but I’ve also seen past the basic fun. Do you know howmany of the wolves stay with the humans? Mate with us?”

Rose didn’t answer.

“None. We’re only here for you to have agood time, and that isall. We’re not here for anything else. I’ve even seen men who havebeen playing around, and then arrive at the damn diner with theirmate. I don’t know if he’s cheated on his mate or not.”

“Wolves don’t cheat.”

“So, no, I had no intention of ever beingwith any wolf. I’m notlooking to be used and this thing with Beau, yeah, it is scary andhas taken me completely by surprise, and I wasn’t expecting it. Iwasn’t expecting any of this.” She pressed her lips together in thehope of staying silent, but she doubted that was going to happen.“Sorry.”

“No, it’s kind of refreshing, to be honest,to hear what you’ve got to say.”

“I’m not being mean.”

“I know,” Rose said. “This is why I knew Iliked you.” She lifted her cup and took a large sip. “And you makesome decent hot chocolate. If Beau doesn’t mate you, I know I willbe in line.”

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