Page 22 of Nasty Alpha

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She wiped her hands on the towel as she made her way to thefront door. Checking through the peephole, she was a little takenaback to see Rose, one of Beau’s pack, the very woman who asked herto do this for her months ago, on her doorstep. Eloise opened thedoor.

“Hi, Rose,” she said. “Is everythingokay?”

The other woman stood with her hands thrustinto her pockets, looking a little out of place.

“Yeah, everything is fine.Great, even.”

She was relieved for asplit-second as she wasworried about Beau.

Rose didn’t say anything and if Eloise washonest, she looked like she wanted to run as far away from here asshe could possibly go.

“Is there anything I can get for you?”Eloise asked.

“Actually, I … uh, I came to help you out,” Rosesaid.

This made Eloise frown. “Help me out?”

“Yeah, you know, with the weekly cookingand that shit. I thoughtyou might need some help.”

Eloise didn’t want to appear rude. Thiswas unexpected. She was being paid to provide meals to Beau and hispack, and thearrangement had been going great so far.

“I don’t understand what is going on.”

Rose ran fingers through her hair, and thentried to attempt what might or might not have looked like a smile.“I know about you and Beau.”

“What about me and Beau?” Eloise asked.

“I know you two are having sex every chanceyou get.”

Eloise opened her mouth and closed it.

Rose threw her arms up in the air. “I’mnot here to judge or anything. I happen to think you’re a goodperson. You’re not like a lot of the women you see around here, including yoursister. No offense.”

“None taken.”

She looked past the other woman’s shoulderand then stepped out of the way, allowing her to pass.

“Do you want a drink? Coffee? Tea? HotChocolate? A beer?”

“I don’t drink, but hot chocolate soundsgreat.”

Rose closed the front door and Eloise madeher way toward the kitchen, going straight to the milk in thefridge.

She wanted to ask how she knew about herand Beau, but at the same time, she didn’t want to run the risk ofruining what she andBeau had. No one was supposed to know. That was their agreement.Now, she was more confused than ever.

“You don’t have to worry,” Rose said.

Eloise didn’t need to look at her jerkymovements to see that she was giving off the wholefreaked-outvibe.

“I’m not worried.”

“Let me guess, you and Beau don’t wantanyone to know you’re fucking like rabbits?” Rose asked.

Eloise whirled around to look at the otherwoman. “How exactly did you find out?”

“I’d left my keys on one of the days whenBeau sent us all out tothe fields to work or deal with the fences. Wolves have greathearing. I heard the two of you.”

She knew her face was getting hotter by thesecond. “No one was supposed to hear that.” She couldn’t help butnibble her lip.

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