Page 10 of Nasty Alpha

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It had been a couple of months since hersister had taken off. It hadn’t stopped her from being with otherwolves, but she believed their mother had a long andnot-so-nice chat withDorothy.

Eloise wasn’t present for the talk, butshe’d been there for the aftermath, and yeah, that hadn’t been apretty sight.

“What’s it like?” Eloise asked minuteslater.


“Being with a wolf.”

“I’m not going down that road so you cancriticize me.”

“Damn it, Dorothy, I don’t criticize you. Idon’t even judge you.” Again, another snort from her sister. “Haveyou ever stopped to consider that it’s actually the wolves I’m judging? It’s thewolves I’ve got a problem with, or more specifically, the ones thatcome to this town and use everyone!”

This time, her sister was speechless.

“See, it has nothing to do with you,” Eloisesaid.

She needed to move and seeing as shewasn’t about to storm out and cause a potential riftwith her sister, she decided towalk through the aisles. Every few feet, she’d stop and put a shelfright, the stock back in order, or neaten things up. Eloise hadalways done this, even when she was a kid.

“I’m sorry,” Dorothy said, coming to standat the end of an aisle.

She folded her arms and this time, she did glare at her sister.“I can’t believe you thought I was judging you. I’m not. I don’tcare how many men or wolves you sleep with. What I care about is ifyou fall for any of them, and I know that can happen.” She triednot to think about Beau as she said that.

“I don’t intend to fall for any of them,Eloise,” Dorothy said.

“You don’t?”

“Nah, of course not. I know I’m older thanyou and should settle down, start a family, and do all of that, but in all honesty, rightnow I’m having fun, and for me, that’s enough. I’m loving life thisway. I don’t need anything more, and I don’t want anything more.I’m happy this way.”

“I find that hard to believe,” she said.

“Look, you wanted to know what itwas like with a wolf, and I cantell you. It’s like the best sex on the planet. First, honey,you’ve got to actually have sex to understand this. Wolves aredifferent from other guys.”

“I’ve never seen you with … just guys.”

Dorothy chuckled. “There is a reason forthat. Some men are funand interested in making it work with us, but not all the time. Nowa wolf, they want you to enjoy sex. They want you to … feeleverything. So the sex is on the next level. They are not shy aboutgetting hot and sweaty and just being in the moment.”

“You make it sound amazing.”

“Trust me, it is. Guys are all like,I don’t go down onthe pussy, but I expect you to suck my dick.” Dorothy made her voice deep and rough as if she was talkinglike a guy.

Eloise laughed.

“I’m actually being serious and thesaddest thing is, I’vehad that experience,” Dorothy said. “When I first went with a wolf,I was sad and angry. Remember Ryan, my first boyfriend?”

She nodded.

“Yeah, well, he’s the genius that said he didn’t go down onthe pussy, and then I caught him shacking up with a wolf, and I sawhim go down on her, and do all the things with her that he refusedto do with me. He would do it all, just not with me.”


Dorothy shrugged. “I have no idea. I guesshe expected the she-wolf to choose him. I don’t know. Anyway, I was angry and I went toWayne’s, ordered a drink. There were a lot of wolves in there andthis one wolf approached. He offered to buy me a drink and I wasgoing to tell him to shove it. Ryan and I hadn’t broken up. I onlycaught him but he didn’t know what I’d seen. I was festering, andas this guy offered to buy me a drink, I thought what the hell. SoI had a drink, then I had a second one. Then he asked if I wantedto go somewhere private. I didn’t want to go anywhere, but Ryan hadpissed me off. So I went, and it was one of the single best nightsof my life. He liked to lick pussy, and he loved to make me screamfor more.”

“Is that the weekend you didn’t comehome? The firstone?”


Eloise now felt bad. “I was mad at you thatweekend.”

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