Page 11 of Nasty Alpha

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“I know. So was Mom. I get it. I was beingcompletely irresponsible. When I told Mom what happened, she cut mesome slack, but told me that responsibility comes first, that guysand fucking come later. Trust me, I’ve gotten the same talk theother month. She’s right.”

“And you don’t ever want to settle down?”she asked.

Dorothy snorted. “Hell, no. I don’t wantto settle down. At least not yet. One day I might, butnow, I’m having way too muchfun to give it up.”

“Have you ever gone back to normal men orare you just dating wolves?”

“At the moment, wolves.” Dorothy movedtoward her sister and hugged her. “Do you want to tell me what thesudden interest is with wolves?”

“Just curious is all. Everyone seems to bewith them, and I got hit on awhile back by a wolf.”It wasn’t a total liebut she didn’t want to start talking to her sister about a certainwolf that had kissed her and made her forget who shewas.

“If you’re looking forlong-term and you want arelationship, then I say avoid them. But if you’re looking for agood time with absolutely no commitment, then go for it. They’reyour guys, and I can imagine girls.” Dorothy winked at her. “I’vegot to get back to work.”

“I’m going to keep neatening everything up.”

“Thanks, little sis.”

And with that, Dorothyturned on her heel andwalked away.

As for her, she continued to walk the shopand every time she thought of Beau, she also triednotto think about him. He’d gottenunder her skin with that kiss, and now she found it impossible toforget. What would it be like to have those large, rough hands allover her body? It would feel incredible.

She wanted him.

This sucked because she didn’t want to beused by him.

Forcing him out of her mind, she focusedon her work at theshop.


Another full moon was coming soon and Beau knew he should stickto his ranch and not go anywhere near No Wolves Road. Nor should hefollow the lemony scent he’d become so addicted to. But he justcouldn’t help himself. It was like he was drawn to herscent.

His wolf certainly didn’t have a problemfollowing her. It had been a couple of weeks since he’d taken thatkiss. Every Monday, he’d been sure to be as far away from thekitchen as possible. He expected Rose to tell him that somethinghappened and Eloise was no longer cooking for them. Food kept appearing and the mealswere delicious.

In a strange way, Eloise had helped hispack as there was now noarguing around the dinner table about how much the food sucked.There was no competition between his men and women about who hadthe best food. This he did prefer.

That still didn’t give him the right to beat her house, in her backyard, and watching Eloise as she stoodstaring up at the night.

His wolf was long exhausted and for Beau, hewas able to transform.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Eloise said.

He was in the shadows but her gaze was righton him.

“And you shouldn’t be out in the yard.”

“It’s a quiet night,” she said. “The starsare beautiful, and it’s getting cold. It won’t be long now beforethe first snowfall.”

She looked even more beautiful than heremembered. The smile on her lips was a temptation he just couldn’tdeny himself.

He stepped out of the shadows and seeing asit was a full moon, he didn’t have a single item of clothingon.

“You’re naked,” she said.

“It’s the full moon.”

“And you’re not going to cover yourselfup?”

“No.” He, like all other wolves, didn’t havea problem with nakedness. They were not like humans, who needed tostay modest.

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