Page 9 of Nasty Alpha

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“With you sending us out into thefields and Eloise only justleaving, I guess you know of our arrangement,” Rosesaid.

“I know.”

“Look, if you want me to tell her to stop,I will. I don’t see what the problem is, though. Everyone loves her food, and the guysdon’t have a problem eating it.”

“Do you think they’ll stop if they findout a human is cookingfor them?” Beau asked as he spun around to look at her.

Rose opened and closed her mouth. “I-I don’tknow.”

“I have no problem with Miss Richardscooking for us. She has shown no ill will toward us, and she is more than welcome to keepcooking. The food is good, but you need to tell the men exactlywhat you have done,” Beau said. “I know you hate humans. Why areyou trusting one to feed the whole pack?”

He stared at his only female pack member.Rose was sometimes alovely person, but the problem was, she didn’t play very well withothers. Unlike most wolves, she didn’t enjoy being surrounded bypeople, and often found it uncomfortable to be around them. Hispack accepted her because they didn’t expect anything from her,apart from hard work. She had been able to find her place withinhis pack.

Rose shrugged. “She’s not … like otherhumans.”

Beau frowned and folded his arms. He alreadyknew that. “In what way?”

She rolled her eyes. “Come on,you’ve already seen theway she is. She doesn’t shove her tits out to get any of the guys’attention. There’s no fake giggling. She is not trying to pretendshe’s something she’s not. She’s not loud or obnoxious. She’s just… Eloise. It’s hard to describe.”

“You’re doing a pretty good job.”

“I am?”

“Yeah, you are.”

“I like her, and she’s not forcinganything. When I called her, she wasn’t asking me details onanyone, and then when I asked her if she would, she didn’t seem tomind. She’s not waiting around for compliments. She delivers thefood, tells us how to cook it with notes, and leaves. It’s a win-win situation. Kind oflike what Steven had going, you know?”

He did know but now the only problem he hadwas that fucking kiss. He shouldn’t have kissed her. Beau knewthat.

“Go,” he said.

Staring out into the yard where Eloise hadbeen, he knew he had seriously fucked up, and he had no way ofknowing if he was going to be able to keep himself in check.

Today, he’d crossed a line. Not only hadhe and his dick enjoyed it, but so too had his wolf, which was a new experience forhim.

He wanted Eloise, but he knew deep down hereally shouldn’t have her.

Chapter Three

Eloise couldn’t help but look at Dorothy. Ithad been a long time since she’d spent any real time with hersister.

“You’re staring,” Dorothysaid. She looked up fromwhere she’d been writing down the new orders for thehaberdashery.

“Sorry, I’m not staring.”

“Yeah, you are. What happened to the wholejudgment stare I get?” Dorothy asked.

“I don’t judge.”

This time, her sister threw back her headand laughed. “Honey, oh,please, you judge me.”

“No, I don’t judge you at all.”

Her sister gave her this look as if tosay, “pull the otherone.”

She held her hands out in surrender. “I’mbeing serious here. Honestly, I don’t have a clue what you’retalking about.”

Dorothy chuckled. “Whatever. You can thinkwhat you want, I don’t care.”

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