Page 38 of From Boss to Boo

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Grayson steps forward, placing himself between Sophia and me in a protective stance. "Enough games. Say what you came to say and then get the hell out of my house."

Sophia smirks, a cruel twist of her perfectly painted lips. "With pleasure, darling. You see, Amara...your precious Grayson isn't quite the knight in shining armor you think he is. In fact, he's been keeping quite the dirty little secret from you."

My heart stutters, a tendril of doubt creeping into my mind despite my fierce love and trust in the man beside me. "What are you talking about?"

She reaches into her purse, pulling out a stack of glossy photographs and tossing them onto the dinner table. "Take a look for yourself, honey. Seems your devoted boyfriend has been playing house with more than one woman these past few months."

With trembling fingers, I reach for the photos, my breath catching in my throat as I flip through image after image of Grayson in compromising positions with various women. Kissing, groping, in states of undress...the evidence of his apparent infidelity is laid out before me in sickening detail.

"This...this can't be real," I whisper, my vision blurring with unshed tears. "Grayson, tell me this isn't real."

Grayson snatches the photos from my hands, his face draining of color as he scans the damning images. "Amara, I swear to you, I have no idea what this is. These...these are fake, they have to be. I would never, ever betray you like this."

Sophia scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest with a smug expression. "Oh, please. Don't insult her intelligence, Grayson. You and I both know you've never been the faithful type. Old habits die hard, and all that. Let’s stop playing these games. Nobody will satisfy you, truly, satisfy you but me. We both know this. That is nothing on you though. You’re a powerful man who has powerful urges, you need someone who gets that about you.”

"Grayson..." I choke out, my voice breaking on a sob. "How could you? After everything we've been through, everything we've could you do this to me?"

He reaches for me, his eyes wild with desperation and panic. "Amara, please. You have to believe me. I don't know where these photos came from, but they're not real. I swear on my life, on everything I hold dear...I have never, ever been unfaithful to you."

I step back, shaking my head as the tears finally spill over. "I...I don't know what to believe anymore. I thought I knew you, Grayson. I thought our love was unshakable, that we could weather any storm together. But this..."

Sophia clucks her tongue, a mockery of sympathy. "Oh, you poor thing. So naive, so trusting. Grayson Winthrop is mine, always has been. Always will be. Why do you think I have a key?"

Grayson whirls on her, his face contorted with rage. "Shut the fuck up! I don't know what game you're playing, but I won't let you poison Amara's mind with your twisted lies. These photos are fake, and you know it."

She shrugs, a picture of cool indifference. "Believe what you want, darling. But the proof is right there in black and white. And if you think this is the only copy...well, let's just say I have plenty more where that came from."

With a final, malicious smile in my direction, she turns on her heel and stalks out of the house, leaving devastation in her wake.

I sink into a chair, my legs no longer able to support me as the weight of her revelations crashes over me. Grayson kneels before me, his hands gripping mine with fierce urgency.

"Amara, my love...please, you have to listen to me. She’s lying, she does this every time. But you know me, you know my heart. I would never, ever do anything to hurt you like this."

I look into his eyes, searching for the truth amidst the swirling chaos of my emotions. And deep down, in the very core of my being...I know he's telling the truth. I know, with a bone-deep certainty, that Grayson Winthrop is not the man that bitch is painting him to be. But all this drama, so early in our relationship, is this how it will always be?

Did I just gamble my entire life and career for this? For a chance to play princess?

The seeds of doubt have been planted, the cracks in our foundation exposed. And as much as I want to fall into his arms and let his love chase away the shadows...I need time. Time to process, to think, to rebuild the trust that has been so violently shaken.

"Grayson..." I whisper, my voice thick with tears. "I...I believe you. I do. But I need...I need some space. To wrap my head around all of this, to figure out where we go from here."

His face crumples, a look of such profound heartbreak that it takes my breath away. "Amara, please. Don't...don't leave me. We can figure this out together, we can prove that she’s lying and that our love is stronger than her games."

Then what? She digs deeper into my past and exposes me for exactly what I am? I cup his face in my hands, pressing a trembling kiss to his forehead. "I'm not leaving you, Grayson. I just...I need a little time. To process, to heal. But I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I love you, and I won't let her lies destroy what we've built."

With a final, tearful embrace, I gather my things and walk out, my heart heavy and my mind whirling with unanswered questions.

I drive home, the streets passing in a blur.

I don’t know what to believe. Maybe deep down I’ve been thinking Grayson was too perfect for a girl like me. With her cream-white aesthetic, Sophia blends right into his work and lifestyle. I’m just his assistant. What could I possibly add to his already perfect life?

As I stumble into my apartment, my vision blurred by a fresh wave of tears, I fumble for my phone and dial the one person I know I can always count on.

"Sar?" I choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. "Are you home? I...I really need you right now."

Sarah's voice is thick with concern as she answers, "Amara? What's wrong, honey? You sound… God, you sound awful. Did something happen with Grayson?"

At the mention of his name, a sob tears itself from my throat. "Can I...can I come over? I don't want to be alone right now."

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