Page 39 of From Boss to Boo

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"Of course, babe. I'll put the kettle on and break out the emergency ice cream stash. Get your butt over here, stat."

Twenty minutes later, I'm curled up on Sarah's couch, a pint of double fudge brownie in my lap and my best friend's arm around my shoulders.

"Okay, spill," Sarah commands gently, her eyes soft with sympathy. "What happened, Amara? Last I heard, you and Grayson were on cloud nine, basking in the glow of your epic love story."

I take a shuddering breath, the words pouring out of me in a jumbled rush. "Sophia happened, Sar. She showed up at Grayson's place tonight, waving around these...these photos. Of him with other women. It looked...God, it looked so real."

Sarah's eyes widen, her grip on my shoulder tightening. "Holy shit. Are you serious? That conniving bitch actually tried to frame Grayson for cheating?"

I nod miserably, swiping at my tears with the back of my hand. "She was so smug, so sure of herself. Like she'd been waiting for the perfect moment to drop this bomb and watch us implode."

"And what did Grayson say?" Sarah asks, her voice carefully neutral. "Did he...did he try to deny it?"

"He swore up and down that the photos were fake, that he had no idea where they came from. And Sar...I believe him. I do. But there's this tiny, nagging part of me that can't help but wonder...what if she’s telling the truth? What if I don't know Grayson as well as I thought I did?"

Sarah is quiet for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. "Amara, honey...I've seen the way that man looks at you. Like you're the sun, the moon, and every star in his sky. And more importantly, I've seen the way you two are together. The love, the trust, the unshakable bond you share...that's not something that can be faked."

I sniffle, a glimmer of hope sparking in my chest at her words. "You really think so?"

"I know so, babe. Grayson Winthrop is in love with you. And if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that he would never, ever do anything to jeopardize that love. Least of all for a bitter harpy like Sophia."

I manage a weak laugh, the knot in my chest loosening ever so slightly. "You're right. I know you're right. It's just...the seed of doubt has been planted, you know? And it's hard to shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe...our love isn't as unbreakable as I thought it was."

Sarah sets down her own pint of ice cream, turning to face me fully. "Amara Jeffries, you listen to me. What you and Grayson have? It's the once-in-a-lifetime, ride-or-die kind of love that most people only dream of. And if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you don't give up on the things that matter. Least of all the man who holds your heart in his hands."

I feel the tears well up again, but this time, they're tears of gratitude, of fierce love for the incredible friend who always knows just what to say. "I love you, Sarah. You know that? I don't know what I'd do without you."

She grins, pulling me into a tight hug. "Back atcha, babe. Now, let's put on a sappy rom-com and finish this ice cream. And in the're going to march your cute little butt over to Grayson's place and fight for your man. Because if there's one thing I'm sure's that your love story is far from over."

As we settle in for a night of tear-jerking movies and sugar therapy, I feel a new sense of determination settling over me. Sarah's right - what Grayson and I have is worth fighting for. Worth weathering any storm, conquering any obstacle.

I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m more than enough for Grayson Winthrop. Sophia may have rattled me, with her perfect hair and blanched cable knit sweaters, but that was round one. I’m just getting warmed up.

The next morning, I wake up with a renewed sense of purpose, Sarah's words from the night before ringing in my ears.

I know what I need to do, what my heart has been telling me all along. I need to talk to Grayson, to hear him out and give him a chance to explain. To trust in the love we've built and the man I know him to be.

With trembling fingers, I dial his number, my heart in my throat as I listen to the ringing on the other end.

"Amara?" Grayson's voice is hoarse, thick with emotion as he answers on the first ring. "God, baby. I've been going out of my mind. Are you...are you okay?"

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation ahead. "I'm...I'm okay, Grayson. But I think we need to talk. Can I...can I come over?"

"Of course," he says immediately, a note of desperate hope in his tone. "I'll be here, waiting."



As I pace the length of my living room, my heart pounding and my palms slick with nervous sweat, I can't help but marvel at the turn my life has taken in the past 24 hours.

Just yesterday, I was on top of the world, ready to propose to the love of my life and start our forever together. But Sophia’s vicious lies and manipulation have thrown everything into chaos, leaving Amara and me reeling in the aftermath.

When she called me this morning, agreeing to meet and talk things out, I felt a flicker of hope reignite in my chest. A chance to clear the air, to lay all my cards on the table and prove, once and for all, that my love for her is true and unshakable.

I've chosen a quiet, secluded spot for our reconciliation - a hidden garden on the outskirts of the city, a place I've always found peace and solace in times of turmoil. As I arrange a blanket and a basket of Amara's favorite treats, I can't help but pray that the serene surroundings will work their magic on our battered hearts.

The sound of footsteps on the gravel path alerts me to her arrival, and I turn to see Amara approaching, her face a mix of apprehension and tentative hope. Her soft brown hair is tied up in a messy bun, and I wonder if she’s had a night of hell like me. A night worrying if I’ve lost the best thing that ever happened to me.

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