Page 31 of From Boss to Boo

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Her unwavering confidence bolsters my own. "You're right," I declare, sitting up straighter. "I'm doing this. I'm going to Tokyo and I'm going to show Grayson how much I love and support him."

Sarah grins, raising her glass in a toast. "That's my girl. Go get your man."

As soon as she says the words, I feel a wave of fierce adoration sweeps over me. She’s right. I’m right. This is right.

The next few days pass in a whirlwind of covert preparations.

I clear my schedule with Caroline, feigning a family emergency that requires my brief absence. Thankfully, the merger proceedings are in a stable holding pattern, allowing me to step away without catastrophic consequences.

Before I know it, I'm stepping off the plane at Haneda Airport, my heart lodged firmly in my throat. Grayson thinks I'm tied up with work this weekend, so my arrival will be a complete shock.

I navigate the bustling terminal in a daze, my rolling suitcase bumping along behind me. The cacophony of foreign languages and dizzying array of neon signs only amplify my rising nerves. Thousands of faces look up at me, but I’m here for only one. It seemed like an easy task until about an hour ago.

What if this was a mistake? What if Grayson is upset that I disrupted his business trip with my impromptu visit?

But then I'm standing in front of his hotel room door, my hand poised to knock, and all my doubts fade away. This is Grayson - my partner, my love, my future. He could never be anything but overjoyed to see me.

I rap my knuckles against the polished wood, my heart threatening to pound right out of my ribcage. There's a beat of silence, then the sound of muffled footsteps approaching.

The door swings open, revealing Grayson's towering form clad in nothing but a fluffy white bathrobe. His eyes widen in disbelief, his mouth falling open in a silent gasp.

"Surprise," I whisper, suddenly shy.

"Amara?" he breathes, blinking rapidly as if to clear a mirage. " this real?"

In lieu of answering, I launch myself into his arms, the force of my embrace sending us stumbling back into the room. Grayson recovers quickly, kicking the door shut and wrapping me up in a fierce hug.

"I can't believe you're here," he mumbles into my hair, his voice thick with emotion. "God, I've missed you so much."

Tears prick at the backs of my eyes as I burrow deeper into his warmth. "I've missed you too. More than I could ever put into words."

We cling to each other desperately, reconnecting through touch and shared breaths. When Grayson finally pulls back to cup my face in his large hands, his expression is one of pure wonder and adoration.

"You never cease to amaze me, Amara Jeffries. Flying halfway across the world to be with me...I'm the luckiest man alive."

I grin up at him, my earlier nerves replaced by bubbling elation. "Well, I couldn't let you have all the fun in Tokyo without me, now could I?"

Grayson laughs, a deep, joyful rumble that sets my soul alight. "Oh, I think we can find some fun to have together, sweetheart. In fact..."

His eyes darken with intent as he walks me backwards towards the king-sized bed. "Why don't I show you just how much fun we can have right now?"

The rest of the weekend passes in a glorious haze of laughter, lovemaking, and adventure. Grayson takes me to all his favorite spots in the city, from hole-in-the-wall ramen shops to tranquil temple gardens.

But more than the sights and sounds of Tokyo, it's the uninterrupted time together that rejuvenates us both. Lazy mornings tangled in the sheets, whispering dreams and desires. Late nights curled up on the couch, dissecting the intricacies of Grayson's business deal.

By the time Sunday evening rolls around, I can see a new lightness in Grayson's eyes, a fresh determination in the set of his shoulders. My visit has reminded him of what he's fighting for - not just a successful company, but a love that transcends oceans.

"I don't know how to thank you for this weekend," he murmurs, pressing a lingering kiss to my forehead as we stand entwined at the departure gate. "You've given me a fresh sense of purpose, Amara. I feel like I can conquer anything with you by my side."

I reach up to stroke his smooth jaw, memorizing every plane and angle. "You've got this, sir. You're going to blow Fujiwara away and seal the deal of a lifetime. And I'll be waiting for you when you get home, ready to celebrate."

He captures my hand, pressing a fervent kiss to the inside of my wrist. "I love you, Amara. More than anything in this world."

"I love you too," I whisper, blinking back tears. "Now go be the brilliant businessman I know you are. I'll see you soon."

As I settle into my seat on the plane, already counting down the hours until our reunion, I drink in the remnants of our time together. The smell of his aftershave clings to my face from when he kissed me goodbye. The way he tugged at my hair when he came for me.

I’ll keep these thoughts, and thousands more as the plane starts its ascent into the sky.

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