Page 32 of From Boss to Boo

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As the first rays of dawn filter through the floor-to-ceiling windows of my corner office, I find myself energized in a way I haven't felt in weeks. The memory of Amara's surprise visit, the feel of her in my arms and the sound of her laughter, propels me forward with renewed purpose.

"Looks like someone's got his mojo back," Jung teases, elbowing me playfully. "I haven't seen you this fired up in ages, Grayson. What's gotten into you?"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Let's just say I had a visit from a very special someone who reminded me of what's truly important in life."

His eyes widen, his smile turning sly. "Ah, the lovely Amara strikes again. That woman is a goddamn miracle worker."

"That she is," I agree, my heart swelling with love and pride. "I honestly don't know where I'd be without her. She's my rock, my partner in every sense of the word."

My friend nods, his expression turning serious. "Sounds like she's the real deal, Grayson. The kind of love that comes along once in a lifetime, if you're lucky."

I swallow hard, the truth of his words hitting me like a freight train. "She is. And I'd be a fool to let her slip away."

Jung claps me on the shoulder, his eyes gleaming with understanding. "Then don't, my friend. Hold onto that woman with both hands and never let go. Because a love like that? It's worth fighting for."

His words echo in my mind long after we part ways, mingling with the heady rush of victory from the successful negotiation. As I gaze out over the glittering skyline of Tokyo, I'm struck by a realization that feels both startling and inevitable.

I want to marry Amara.

I want to build a life with her, to wake up every morning with her in my arms and fall asleep every night knowing she's mine, now and always.

She is my future, my forever. And I'll be damned if I let another day go by without making that crystal clear.

I pull out my phone and begin making arrangements for the most important decision I’ve ever made, to make my work wife my real wife.

It's time to put a ring on her finger. It’s time to start a family.

And as I lose myself in the giddy rush of proposal plans, I swear I can almost hear my father's approving chuckle and sage advice.

"About damn time, son. About damn time.”

I'm pacing the length of my hotel room, my phone pressed to my ear as I wait for Ethan to pick up. The adrenaline from my successful negotiation with Fujiwara has given way to a buzzing anticipation, a desperate need to set my proposal plans into motion.

"Grayson, my man!" Ethan's booming voice fills the line. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this late-night call? Don't tell me the Tokyo nightlife has finally lured you out of your workaholic cave."

I chuckle, shaking my head even though he can't see me. "Not quite, buddy. I actually have some big news to share with you."

"Oh yeah?" Ethan's tone turns curious. "Don't keep me in suspense, Winthrop. Spill."

I take a deep breath, my heart hammering against my ribs. "I'm going to propose to Amara. As soon as I get back to the States, I'm going to ask her to marry me."

There's a beat of silence, then a whooping cheer that nearly shatters my eardrum. "Hell yeah, brother! It's about damn time you put a ring on that woman's finger!"

I grin, feeling a rush of relief at his enthusiastic response. "Thanks, man. I just...I can't imagine my life without her, you know? She's the one, Ethan. The love of my life."

"I know she is," Ethan says, his voice softening with genuine affection. "Anyone with eyes can see that you two are meant for each other. So, what's the plan? How are you going to pop the question?"

I run a hand through my hair, suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed. "That's where I could use your help, actually. I want it to be perfect, Ethan. Something romantic and unforgettable, a proposal worthy of the incredible woman she is."

"Say no more," Ethan declares, and I can practically hear the gears turning in his head. "Operation 'Put a Ring on It' is officially underway. First things first, we need to get you back home ASAP. I'm thinking a surprise early return, maybe even showing up at her office with a bouquet of her favorite flowers?"

I nod, a smile spreading across my face as I picture Amara's reaction. "Love it. I closed the deal today. They can finish up here. God damn, I’m on fire. Can I have you as my guy on the ground until I get there? I need to catch her off guard, sweep her off her feet with a grand gesture."

"Exactly," Ethan agrees, his enthusiasm infectious. "I can be your ground man. Get some reservations going. A candlelit dinner at a downtown joint. And we can't forget the ring. Have you thought about what kind of rock you want to put on her finger?"

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