Page 9 of When I Was His

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Congratulations on your graduation. Please accept this gift for your first new home; you both deserve it. We’re very proud of you. The gift cards are for art or whatever you need for your apartment. The world is waiting for you. Good luck.


Matthew and Finley

Sadie sniffled and wiped her eyes as she read the card.

“Are you crying?” I asked with a smile.

“It’s sweet. My brothers couldn’t even bother to come.”

“That’s because we only got four tickets apiece. It wouldn’t be fair to take two brothers and not the other. Your parents were there, and that’s all that counts.”

“I guess.”

“Did you really want your brothers there?”

She giggled, “Maybe for a second. They’re already fighting over who will get my room. I’m not even out of the house for two seconds yet.”

“Be glad you didn’t have to move back there.”

“I am. We should call your brothers.”

I agreed. I never would’ve expected my brothers to give us such an expensive gift. Matthew could more than afford it, but Finley was pouring his profits back into his business and needed every penny.

“I’ll send Finley a text. There’s no way of knowing where he is right now. He might be in a meeting.”

I typed out a heartfelt text to Finley and called Matthew as Sadie headed to her bedroom to change her clothes.

“There’s the graduate. How does it feel?” Matthew asked as soon as he picked up.

“Great. Thank you for coming to my graduation. I knew you were busy.”

“Cut the crap. You knew I would be there. Anything else you want to say?”

“Smug bastard. Thank you for the furniture and gift cards. You didn’t need to do that.”

“I think we did. We had this discussion.”

Matthew and I had lunch a few weeks ago and I told him Sadie wanted to wait for her first few paychecks before we got living room furniture. He knew how I felt about having a big, empty room with nowhere to sit but our bedrooms.

“I love you, Matthew.”

“I know you do. Remember that when I need a home-cooked meal or someone to watch Blackie.”

Blackie was Matthew’s French bulldog. I loved the little guy and had no qualms about babysitting if my brother had to go out of town. His apartment was on the Upper West Side, facing Central Park. Sadie and I stayed there several times, enjoying the terrace, rooftop deck, and building gym.

“I’ll take him right now if you want to give him up.”

He chuckled. “Hell, no. That’s my buddy. I have a meeting with my boss in six minutes. We should get together for lunch this week.”

“I’d like that. You’re buying?”

“As always.”

“Talk to you later.”

He ended the call, and I went to my bedroom to change into shorts and a t-shirt. When I was down to my lavender lace underwear, I looked in the mirror over my dresser. My body was lean and slightly muscular, thanks to hours in the gym.

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