Page 48 of When I Was His

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“Can you tear yourself away?”

“I can for you. Text me with some dates. Love you, Ry.”

He hung up before I could reply, and I sagged against the back of the couch as the line went silent. All answers were pointing toward staying away from Oliver. He wasn’t for me, especially if he turned on and off like a faucet. I hated it when guys were so mercurial.

I picked up one of Sadie’s magazines from the coffee table and paged through it. They did a spread on BattleAxe. The guitarist was hot as hell, and the article said he was twenty-nine. He would be a better choice than Oliver.

“How do I look?”

I glanced up and saw Sadie in a cute little sleeveless light blue dress. She had painted her toe and fingernails the same color.

I brightened for her sake even though I was miserable. “Very pretty. Dan will love it.”

“I heard you talking to Finley. What does he say?”

“He said Oliver is too old for me. I guess it wasn’t to be. Finley said I should play the field.”

She smoothed the skirt of her dress. “Dan has some friends.”

I looked down at my clothes. I was not in the mood to get changed, dress up, and put on a smile while I fended off some guy wanting to get lucky.

“No. I want to sit here and do nothing for the rest of the day. I hoped Finley could have dinner with me tonight, but he’s usually busy.”

“Where’s Matthew?”

I yawned. “He went to Long Island with some friends for the weekend.”

She went to the foyer mirror and removed some lip gloss from her purse. “He left Blackie alone?”

“He took him with him. That dog is so spoiled.”

“Will you be all right tonight?”

“You’re really spending the night with Dan?” I asked.

She shrugged. “We have chemistry. He might be the one.”

I rolled my eyes because Sadie said that about half a dozen guys in college.

“Only time will tell.”

She went to the foyer closet and pulled out a pair of white sandals, sitting on one of the kitchen chairs to slip them on. I watched her and wondered what I would do for the rest of the day and evening.

Chapter 7

By 6 p.m., I was bored out of my mind. I read on my Kindle for a few hours, watched television, and straightened my underwear drawer. Maybe I should’ve taken Sadie up on dating one of Dan’s friends. Even if I went out for a drink, I would be out of here.

I made myself a turkey sandwich for dinner, and it reminded me of the fresh turkey wrap I enjoyed last week with Oliver. It seemed like months ago. I hadn’t heard from him all day, and I wasn’t about to contact him. I started flipping the channels on TV and settled on a nature show until I saw it was about poaching. I was dozing on the couch when I heard my phone chime with an incoming text.

Come downstairs, I’m out front.

My heart started to pound when I saw the message from Oliver. I was curt in my answer.

I’m busy tonight. My time is valuable.

Don’t make me come up there.

Come up? How would he get up here since he would need the concierge to call me before he came upstairs? As much as I wanted to see him, I was hurt by his behavior the night before. I ignored his text and closed my eyes again.

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