Page 108 of When I Was His

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“Because you’re worth it. You’re Ivy League educated.”

“With little experience.”

“You have your internship.”

“But no other experience,” I protested.

“Are you trying to talk me out of paying you what you’re worth?” he asked.

“I just want it to be fair. Do you pay your other new hires that same?”

“You’re a horrible negotiator.”

He changed the subject. “Will you be at my apartment when I come home?”

“I have to pack a few things.”

“Be naked when I arrive.”

My belly clenched at the prospect of Oliver making love to me. I missed his scent and his body next to me in bed.

“I’ll see.”

He chuckled. “I hope you’re ready for me tonight. I haven’t been in a very good mood the past few days.”


“I’m backed up.”

“You can always jerk off,” I offered.

He groaned. “Nope. The only place I want to come is inside you. That’s my plan for tonight.”

My nipples hardened as we got deeper into sex talk.

“I’m hanging up because you’re getting me hot.”

“Hold on until I get there.”

“I mean it. Hold on.”

“How would you know if I did or not?”

“I’ll know. Just wait for me.”

I grumbled, “Fine. I’ll see you at your apartment.”

We hung up and I went to my room to pack a duffel bag with some casual clothing. I wouldn’t need to dress up for the next couple of weeks. I didn’t want to bother Vlad and took a cab over to Oliver’s. One of the concierges handed me keys to Oliver’s and I went upstairs by myself.

His penthouse was quiet, and my shoes echoed as I walked inside. I was trying to resist snooping, but I had an urge to know him more intimately. I put my duffel bag in the master bedroom, kicked off my shoes and opened the bottom drawer of the island in the closet. I had seen several photo albums there and I pulled one out to page through it.

I saw Oliver in happy times with his parents. They lived in a medium sized white colonial with black shutters. Oliver looked like his father with the same colored hair and deep blue eyes. His mother had been very pretty with long blonde hair to her waist and light brown eyes.

I looked for pictures of his brother Jonah, but I couldn’t find one in the entire album. I wondered if Oliver discarded them. His relationship with his brother was rocky and maybe there had been a time where they didn’t communicate at all. I felt for him because I would miss my brothers if I couldn’t see them.

There were several other photo albums but I put the one I looked at back and closed the drawer. I got up and buried my nose against one of Oliver’s suits. It smelled like him and made me miss him even more. I know I shouldn’t have but I opened the drawers on top of his dresser in the closet. He had two velvet lined ones that held watches, jewelry and rings. I slipped on one of his chunky Rolexes. It was huge on my wrist, but I kept it on as I looked at the rest of his stuff.

Inside one of the drawers was a white velvet box which I removed and opened, inside was at least a five-carat oval ring set into a platinum band. My heart began to pound as I removed it from the box, slipping it on my finger. It was the right size and fit me perfectly. I wondered if this was the ring Oliver planned on giving me when he asked me to marry him.

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