Page 29 of Keep Healing

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“Kailan,” I rasped.

“Tell me, darlin’. Tell me what you need.”

“Upstairs…m-my room. We can’t do this here,” I panted, even in my kiss frazzled state I realized I didn’t want one of the other guys walking in on whatever came next.

Kailan gave a short nod, not once stopping the kisses he was trailing down my neck and driving me wild with. He stood, keeping me tightly in his arms and moved hastily for the stairs. In moments we were at the top and Kailan was backing into my room, kicking the door closed behind him.

The room was dimly lit by the lamp I kept on at night so I was able to clearly see the heat in Kailan’s eyes as he paused his kisses and locked those dark eyes on me.

“Tell me to stop and I will,” he gasped.

“No. I don’t want you to stop. I want you, Kailan…please. Don’t make me bag.”

“Never gonna happen, darlin’” he replied as a sexy as sin smile filled his face.

He kissed me again, hard and fast until I barely knew which way was up, then tossed me down playfully into the center of my bed, making me giggle.

“I love seeing you smile. We need more of that,” he told me as he stood at the foot of the bed and watched me with a huge smile on his own face.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get over here and make me smile more,” I teased.

“Feeling a little needy, huh?” he asked as the goofy smile morphed back into that sexy grin of his, complete with dimples that only made me need and want him more. He was so handsome.

“I’d have thought that was pretty obvious from the way I was grinding on you before,” I replied with a roll of my eyes.

“Are you gonna be sassy in the bedroom, little Evie?” he asked in a low sexy voice as he started to crawl onto the bed and over me.

“What if I am?”

“Bring it on, darlin’. Your sass is only making me harder right now,” he threw back.

He caged me in with his body, and for a second I worried I might freak out and ruin everything, but the panic never came. This wasn’t like Soloman looming over me as he hurt me. This was Kailan and I had no fear of him. I knew he’d never hurt me. More than that – I knew he’d do anything to stop me from ever being hurt.

He leaned down and kissed me again, this time the kiss slower and more languid, like he wanted to take his time. His hand snaked down between my breasts and over the scarred plain of my stomach.

“Can we take this off?” he asked gently.

“Yes,” I nodded, but the reply was shaky and unsure. “Just…my scars…they’re not pretty.”

“I don’t believe any part of you isn’t pretty,” he said.

“No, really Kailan. They’re bad. I…I get if you change your mind when you see them,” I added, trying to hide the devastation from my face at just the thought of him rejecting me because of the hideous patchwork Soloman had left on my body.

“Don’t Evie. Your scars are a part of you, and I’m falling for every damned part, fast,” Before I could even process his words, he grabbed the hem of the cami I wore and lifted it clean over my head. I didn’t stop him, but I had to fight my instinct to use my arms to cover the burn and knife marks on my stomach. I knew how ugly it all looked. Hell, I could barely look at the mess that remained myself, in the mirror.

“Just like I thought,” Kailan spoke as his eyes met mine, all playfulness gone and replaced with that intensity I never imagined him capable of. “Perfect. Every fucking inch of you is utter perfection.” I didn’t have time to argue as his lips crashed down over mine and kissed me hard and fast, then he was drifting down my neck with those teasing kisses. He continued down my chest, between my breasts and down to my stomach. All of my earlier insecurities fled as heat consumed me once again. All I could think about was Kailan and how much I needed him. His hands stroked back up and cupped my breasts. He massaged them with his hands as he continued to place gentle kisses on my stomach. It took my fried brain a few moments to realize he was kissing each and every one of the scars.

“Kailan!” I gasped, desperate for more. It had been so long since I felt this alive and desperate with need in the bedroom. Since Harris to be precise.

Dean had never made me feel this way. He’d never been able to make me desperate and needy for him, and even if he had, I knew it would have been a major disappointment for me when we did get down to it. Dean had been all about getting what he needed in the bedroom, and now, as Kailan ignited every nerve ending in my body, I wondered why the hell I had even stayed with that selfish sonofabitch. I was going to marry him! What was I even thinking?

“You with me, Evie?” Kailan asked, and I looked up hurriedly, feeling terrible for even thinking about Dean in such a wonderful moment.

“Definitely,” I gasped, already feeling breathless.

“You say stop, and everything stops, yeah?”

“I d-don’t want anything to stop,” I cried. Kailan just smiled sexily, then he grabbed the pajama shorts I was wearing and whipped them off before I could even start over thinking it.

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