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Ryan fucked fast, he fucked hard, and he fucked steady. He didn’t let up, not even for a second. The noises that were escaping her were foreign even to her. The position of his hips stimulated her clit, and she felt herself getting dangerously close to another orgasm. He noticed the change in the noises she was making and leaned down to her ear. “You’re gonna cum again, huh? Go ahead, it’s yours. Cum all over it, baby.”

She moaned his name as she came again, tears involuntarily leaving her eyes as he fucked her hard and fast through the remainder of her orgasm, savoring his pulses all over his dick until he couldn’t hold out anymore. He sat up, pulled out, and removed the condom, tossing it aside. “Finish me off,” he demanded, grabbing her hand and placing it on his cock. She wrapped her hand around him and gave him a few hard, slow pulls. He crept up her body, squeezed her tits together, and groaned as she jerked his hot load all over them. “Fuck.”

When he was done, he searched for something to clean up with. He got off the bed and grabbed the tank top she’d been wearing. He noticed she was crying, and when he was finished wiping her off, she rolled over onto her side away from him. “Hey. What’s wrong?” He slid behind her, wrapping an arm around her body and pulling her close to him. “Talk to me.”

She laughed awkwardly through her tears and nodded, wiping her eyes. “Sorry. It’s just…a lot of emotions right now.”

“Sorry I’m such a lame fuck,” he teased, as she grabbed onto his hand.

“Yeah right,” she said. “It’s just…for one, I’ve literally never felt anything like that in my life. If this whole hockey thing doesn’t pan out, you should get into porn. Holy shit, Ryan. That was…that was unbelievable.” She rolled onto her back, and he draped his arm across her stomach.

“Thanks. I’ve been waiting a while to do that. It felt amazing for me, too, believe me.” He rested his head against hers, and they lay there, naked and silent, for a bit.

She was the first to break the silence. “Also, that’s the first sex I’ve had since my ex.”

Ha! His heart jumped. So she hasn’t been sleeping around, and she hasn’t done Hayes. “Really?” he said, trying to cover his excitement. “I guess it’s weird?”

“Very,” she replied quickly. “When you’ve been with someone for 11 years, it’s so strange. I’m so glad it was with you though, you fucking stud.”

“Me too.”

“Seriously, that was…” She shook her head. “I’ve never cum just from sex before like that. You fuck entirely too well.” She hovered her arm to show him. “Look, I’m still shaking.”

“Well, I’m available anytime. You’re not so bad yourself. I was about to cum when you were going down on me in the kitchen. We have a good chemistry, you and me.”

She rolled over to face him. “That we do, Baylor. Ugh, I should probably get to bed. It’s late, and you’ve gotta pa...” She started to move, but he stopped her.

“Stay with me?” he asked quietly. “Let me fall asleep next to you.”

“Ryan, I can’t…”

He sat up, frustrated. “Of course you can’t.” He sighed, preparing to ask her the question that so many girls before had asked him. “So, like, what even is this?”

“It’s…just sex, Ryan.” She sat up next to him. “Let’s not complicate it.”

“Is it, though?” He reached a hand up to the side of her face and pulled her in for a long, slow kiss. She kissed him back and ran her fingers through his hair. He sucked on and bit her bottom lip before ending the kiss. “Please?”

She noticed the desperation and sadness in his eyes, and against her better judgment, agreed to stay. “Maybe just for a little bit.”

“I’ll take that.” He reached to the end of the bed and pulled his blanket up. “You cold? Here.” He covered their legs as they both lay down on their backs. He folded his hands behind his head, and she turned into him, resting her head and a hand on his chest.

“Your heart is racing,” she observed. “You good?”


What the hell are you doing with this boy? she thought, as she lay there listening to his heartbeat. She could feel her own beginning to match the pace of his.

“You nervous, too?” he asked.


Neither of them said anything for a few minutes, just listened to the other one breathing. Finally, Ryan said, “So, secret time: I told Hayes about us tonight on the bus ride.”

The mention of Ty's name sent a shock wave through her body, as she hadn’t expected to hear it at that moment. “Oh?” she responded. “And what’d he have to say about it?”

“He said it’s about time. He also said that all you do when you’re with him is talk about me.”

Amara lifted her head up. “That little shit! Wait ‘til I see him.”

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