Page 11 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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The light was off and everyone was getting into position for the faceoff, but Hayes was completely frozen.

What the fuck did he just say to me?

They bent over just outside the circle, arms touching. “Why don’t you call me after the game if you and your boyfriend wanna hang out? Get my number from Neilly.”

Before Hayes even had a chance to process what was happening, the faceoff had been won, there was a puck on his stick…and he immediately iced it.

Tyler Hayes was fucking shook.

“Goddamn it, Hayes!” Aiden Hughes, the Islanders’ captain, yelled. “You’re worthless tonight!”

Hayes skated toward the bench.

The coach started to scream at him. “Hayes, you’re…”

“I know, I'm goin’!” he shouted, hopping over the boards, shimmying his way to the end of the bench, and doing the walk of shame down the tunnel and back into the locker room.

So, he’d been benched for the remainder of the game in the second period when his boyfriend had flown almost 3000 miles to come watch him play.

But fuck all that for a moment.

Did Sev Kirscher just proposition him and Ryan to have a fucking threesome after the game?

Like, did that shit seriously just happen?

The Acceptance (5)

“And make no mistake: this isn’t over. The two of you will be dealt with when we get back to New York. There are some very serious conversations that need to happen regarding your futures within this organization. So, what’s the plan when you leave here, boys?”

TK looked across the table at Hayes. They’d been called in by the coaching staff after the game had ended and received a stern talking to about their behavior the previous night, Hayes having already showered and dressed after being shitcanned in the second. The security guard hadn’t ratted them out, but apparently one of the other guys on the team witnessed the payoff and had.

Hayes didn’t make eye contact with TK. “Ryan is here. He flew in this afternoon and I’ll be staying with him at a different hotel than the team.”

“Good. And you, TK?”

“Going back to my room and going to sleep,” he monotoned, narrowing his eyes at Hayes.

“Fine. You’re both dismissed. But rest assured, this isn’t over.”

They both got up and exited the conference room, TK still dressed in all his gear. Hayes tried to walk away and avoid him on the way back to the locker room, but he caught up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Looks like we’re in deep shit, huh?”

Hayes maneuvered away from TK’s grasp and kept walking ahead of him.

“I was thinking we could head over to the Santa Monica pier tonight, get fucked up on the beach.”

Hayes stopped walking and turned around to face TK. “Did you not just hear that conversation? My boyfriend’s here, man.”

“So? Bring pretty boy along. I got enough for him, too. I know he hates me, but whatever. Maybe…”

“He doesn’t party like that, TK. He’s not into it. Besides, we should probably cool it for a bit. Clearly someone’s watchin’ our every move.”

“Well, what we need to do is figure out who the fuckin’ rat is and beat his face in.” TK balled a fist up and punched his other hand, causing Hayes to roll his eyes. “We don’t have to go to the beach. It was just a suggestion. We can meet up somewhere else…”

“Hey? I’m hangin’ out with Ryan tonight, OK? Just me and Ryan.”

And possibly Sev, but you don’t need to know that.

He watched TK’s face drop. “Oh, OK. Yeah, I mean, that’s cool. Whatever.”

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