Page 12 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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“Listen, we’ll hang out again soon. Maybe you should just go back to your room and get some rest tonight. You were pretty banged up last night, man.”

“Right, like you care.”

Hayes grabbed his arm and squeezed. “I don’t fuckin’ care? I don’t? Who’s the one who stayed up all night long holdin’ you on a bathroom floor makin’ sure you didn’t fuckin’ die, eh? I don’t care,” Hayes muttered, shaking his head. “Fuck off with that shit, man.”

They both looked up and noticed Ryan was standing within earshot of them, having made his way to the players’ entrance. Hayes wasn’t sure if he heard them, as he’d been chatting with a few other guys, but Ryan looked over and saw them together just as Hayes let go of his teammate’s arm.

“Have fun tonight, Hayes. ‘Sup, pretty boy?” TK offered Ryan a nod, turning left into the locker room, as Hayes continued straight and went to join his boyfriend. Ryan immediately extended an arm, pulling him in for a hug.

“Everything OK?” Ryan asked quietly, running a hand up and down Hayes’s back.

He rested his chin on Ryan’s shoulder. “I just wanna get outta here. It’s been a rough night. Can we go?”

“Of course.”

Ryan grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and they started to walk to where the rental car was parked in the underground lot before Hayes put the brakes on. “Shit! I forgot…somethin’. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

He remembered what he needed to get from Neil Halloway.


“So, you’re positive you wanna do this?” Hayes asked Ryan for the fifteenth time as they sat together on the couch in the living room area of the suite Ryan had rented. They’d both changed out of their suits and into gray sweatpants and white t-shirts. “Because I don’t wanna wake up tomorrow with you regretting this shit. Fuck it, I can call him right now and tell him…”

“Hayes. Stop. Jesus, you sound just like Mar. Yes, I wanna do this. Trust me, this isn’t my first rodeo, OK? And it’s not yours either. So, chill.”

“Yeah, well it’s my first rodeo where all the riders have dicks, Rook. That’s for goddamn sure.”

“So? It’s not like you don’t know your way around a dick.” Ryan took a long pull off the vape he was hitting and reclined back a bit, exhaling the smoke. He’d recently begun smoking a bit for his anxiety. He wasn’t crazy about it, but as it turned out, a nice indica strain with high terpene levels, combined with his bi-monthly therapy sessions, had largely kept it at bay. He hadn’t experienced a panic attack since the car ride out to Worcester last season.

He offered the pen to Hayes. “Here. Calm your nerves a bit.” Hayes took the pen and pulled, blowing the smoke out slowly and leaning back onto the couch next to his boyfriend.

If there was a painting of this exact moment in time hanging in an art museum, it’d be titled “Relationships: You’re Doing It Wrong.” It would feature Ryan freely handing drugs to his substance-addicted boyfriend while they waited for the threesome Hayes had set up for himself and his sex-addicted boyfriend.

Maybe if they both just ignored reality and pretended things were OK long enough, they eventually would be.

Hayes had pitched the idea to Ryan on the car ride back to the hotel, informing him of the comment Sev had made to him on the ice.

“So? Do you think we should?” Hayes had asked.

After a bit of silence, Ryan finally answered. “Call him. Let’s do it.”

“Seriously? You don’t think it’ll be weird?”

“Nah, it might be fun, not to mention hot as hell to watch you with another guy. Truth time: I jerk off to that shit. A lot,” Ryan admitted.

“Yeah?” Hayes replied, his voice laced with curious excitement. “So, who am I with in your little fantasies?”

There’s no way in hell Ryan was going to admit that, even though he loathed himself for it, he thought about Hayes and TK together pretty much every time he spanked it.

Not happening.

“I mean, you know, just…random guys. Whoever.”

“You know what I think about?” Hayes offered. “That night after the wedding with Mar in the hotel room. The way you looked right at me when you came down her throat. That look in your eyes? You didn’t take them off me for a second. Fuck…gets me off every single time without fail. I sat here long enough, I could probably cum just thinkin’ about it.”

“Yep, that was hot as hell, too. I can’t believe it took us so long to figure it out after that night. It was pretty clear what was happening between us. Apparently to everyone except us.”

“Yeah, well,” Hayes said. “As long as it took, I’m fuckin’ glad it did. I have no idea how we got here, but I love you, Rook. So fuckin’ much.”

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