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She settled back down, and he relaxed. He hadn’t realized that taking care of someone else would involve so much downtime.

He supposed he could get started on some more rules. For a guy who hated living by anyone else’s rules, he sure did enjoy making them for his girl.

He grabbed the notebook he’d also had delivered and started to jot down some more rules.

A vibrating noise had him getting to his feet quickly. Her phone was sitting on the nightstand. Walking over, he picked it up, looking at the name on the screen.

Someone called Bestie was calling.

Hmm. Should he answer? Seemed like the best idea to him. He stepped into the other room and closed the door behind him.

He’d set up the baby monitor he’d also ordered. He grabbed the camera and switched in on so he could still creep on his girl.

Honestly, he was starting to feel like a stalker.

Then he quickly answered the phone, putting in on speaker.

“Jolie’s phone.”

There was silence. Odd.

“Hello? You there? Or are you going to do the whole heavy-breathing thing? Hello? Bestie?” he said.

“Who is this?” a woman asked.

“Who is this?” he demanded.

“Where’s Jolie? What’s going on? Why are you answering her phone? Oh God, I should never have sent her to that Ranch on her own. What was I thinking?”

“Wait. You sent her here to Rawhide Ranch? What were you thinking allowing her to come here alone?” he demanded. “This place could have been filled with a bunch of creeps.”

“Like you?” she asked.

He scowled. “I’m not a creep.”

“You answered her phone! Where is she?”


“Sleeping? What do you mean? It’s early afternoon there!” she said.

“Yes, so?”

“So she never naps. Ever,” the woman said with surety.

“Maybe it’s time she started, then.”

“I… you… is she all right?”

“She’s sick,” he admitted because this woman did seem to genuinely care.

“Sick? Why? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’m not sure I should tell you.”

“You have to tell me; I’m not just her best friend, I’m also her doctor. Why didn’t anyone call me?”

“You know why she needed to come here? Why she needed a break?”

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