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“You. Smiling. I don’t like that you’re ill, baby. That you have bronchitis after having a vomiting bug.”

She grimaced. “You and me both.”

“You won’t do this again, understand?” He stood up.

Sure. She’d get right on that. He really couldn’t hear how arrogant he sounded, could he?

“I’m going to order us both lunch. What do you feel like?”

“It’s only lunchtime? It feels like I’ve lived a whole life in these last few hours.”

“Yeah. You look tired,” he agreed.

Great. As well as feeling like shit, she also looked like shit.


What every girl wanted to hear.

“I’m not really hungry.”

He nodded. “I’ll see if they’d do you a smoothie or protein shake. I need to get a few supplies in here.” He was muttering to himself as he stepped out of the bedroom. Then he poked his head back in and pointed a finger at her. “Stay there. I mean it. You need me, you call out. Got me?”

“Yes, Sir!” She saluted him.

“Sir is fine.” He turned away. “Daddy would be better.”

She pretended she didn’t hear him mutter that. But it was going to play over and over in her mind.

Closing her eyes, she decided she’d just rest for a bit.


Was it creepy to watch her sleep?


That didn’t mean he was going to stop. It wasn’t like he had much else to do. He’d eaten his lunch and tucked her protein shake away in the fridge. Then he’d called the front desk to ask for information about Jolie’s likes and dislikes.

Which they hadn’t wanted to give him without her permission.

Pfft. He hadn’t liked that, but he’d bitten his tongue. He’d get her to give them her permission when she woke up.

Then he’d ordered her some Little stuff from the Ranch store. A young guy by the name of Liam had dropped it all off about twenty minutes ago. Brand washed the bottle and pacifier. A pacifier probably wasn’t a good idea right now, though, while she was still wheezy. But as soon as she was awake, he was going to get her drink a bottle of water and her protein drink.

His mom was adamant that he keep up her fluid intake. That was what she’d told him after she’d spluttered in astonishment for about ten minutes when he’d called her.

Really? Was it so hard to believe that he might want to take care of someone who was ill?

He’d also ordered her a few other things that he wasn’t sure were going to go down well. Hmm, he’d see once she woke up.

Now, he was sitting in an armchair in the bedroom, reading through a pamphlet with information on Rawhide Ranch’s activities and programs. He wondered if Josie wanted to do any of those things?

A cough had him glancing over at her. Was she awake? She coughed in her sleep, and he hated that.

His poor girl.

It was strange, but he’d never felt such a surge of… of affection and protection toward anyone else.

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