Page 99 of Easton

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“Whatever you need, you’ll get. You took another hit today from Charlie. A big one. Badger finding Anna tipped you. You’re not where you need to be to kick in a door or clear a room. You having a weapon in your hand is a hard no. Saying that you need to be there, I’ll have your back. But straight up, I’d feel better if you waited here for me to bring her to you. Badger’s right. It’ll give us a chance to feel her out. But just saying, even if she’s not where I think she needs to be to sit across from you, I’ll cuff her, duct tape her mouth shut, and still bring her in so you can lay eyes on her.”

That was what I needed.

“Promise? No matter what, you bring her to me?” I pushed.

“Swear on my life, baby.”

Whatever you need, you’ll get.

He said that a lot, or some variation of it.

“Okay. I’ll wait here.”

“Kira, you’re here with Nebraska,” Zane ordered.

“Duh. Someone’s gotta be here to arrange bail money and dental services whenever you leave the office.”

Zane smiled at Kira, showing off a white, toothy grin that was so wide it depressed his dimples.

I was momentarily dazzled. Not that I’d ever admit that to anyone, not even under torture, but Zane Lewis was hot. Scary-hot but hot nonetheless, and when those dimples came out, he lost the scary and sexy inched in.

“You’re drooling, baby.”

I pulled out of my stupor and blinked at Easton.


Easton didn’t elaborate, at least not verbally. His lips twitching said something—I just wasn’t sure what. And him leaning over, pressing a kiss to my mouth, also said something but I didn’t understand that either.

It wasn’t until I heard Badger’s cantankerous grunt, then his equally rough voice say, “Christ, those fucking dimples. Are there any women who are immune?” did I finally get it.

Easton caught me staring.

I shot him an unhappy look that not only did nothing, it totally deflected off of him like he was coated in Nebraska-attitude-proof Teflon.

I knew it deflected because he smiled.

“You’re a dick,” I muttered.

“I’m gonna let that one slide, but just saying, baby—”

“Nah-uh, nope, don’t finish that,” Kira cut in. “You have places to be and people to see. You should get on that.”

I’d heard good things about Kira. I’d respected her long before I met her. With her history, she could’ve crumbled. Hell, she should’ve crumbled but she didn’t. She stood strong and survived. But watching her with the team, she impressed me. She’d had to have steel in that spine of hers not to let these men walk all over her.

That went for Layla as well as the team’s leader. I had firsthand knowledge of the work Patheon had done and I knew she was the woman behind it all. I’d also heard the story of her digging through the rubble of a building that had collapsed with Zane and Kevin inside, not knowing if they were dead or alive. She did this for hours with her bare hands until they were bloody and raw and she had to be sedated.

She was the type of woman other women aspired to be. That was, if the woman was going for strong, brave, and badass.

“Let’s roll,” Layla ordered.

Everyone got up to do her bidding, Zane included. That was, everyone but Easton. He stayed seated and turned my chair to face him.

“You good?”

No, I was absolutely not good.

But I wouldn’t tell him that.

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