Page 38 of Easton

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Goddamn motherfuck.

Was it too much to ask for the fucking truth?

“Answer it,” I told her. “On speaker.”

I thought I heard Nebraska mumble ‘dick’ under her breath before she angrily jabbed at the screen. Her insult wasn’t the insult she thought it was. My dick took no offense to her frequent mentions. Which meant when she answered the call my mind was filled with all sorts of filthy things I wanted to do to her.

“Maddon,” she purred.

Fake as fuck.

“Ah, my Dove. How’s Cairo? Busy day, yeah?” Maddon returned the fake sentiment.

“Productive. How’s your stay?”

“Same, my dear.”

After that neither spoke. Nebraska simply stared at her phone, patiently waiting for Maddon to get to the point of his call.

I glanced from Nebraska to Smith still holding his phone screen up. Zane was still on the line listening. In all of the time I’d worked for the man I’d never known him to be anything other than straightforward and to the point. He didn’t prevaricate or evade questions. If he didn’t want to answer or didn’t want to elaborate or didn’t want to talk about something he said that straight. He didn’t hide behind niceties, he didn’t worry about offending someone. The man was honest and his honesty normally included a hefty dose of impolite, foul words.

Now he was being shifty.

He was hiding something.

The truth will ruin Zane.

Dutch, Badger, or Black.

One of those three held the answer.

My guess was Black was the bomb that would discharge.

However, I couldn’t press for answers until Nebraska was done with Maddon.

Finally Maddon broke the annoying silence, “It would seem I was correct.”

Nebraska’s lips twitched.

It was then it dawned on me, the game she’d played and won. She hadn’t filled the void, she’d waited Maddon out, made him lead the conversation, giving her the upper hand. Not only that but it made it so she could hold her cards close to her chest.




Nebraska’s eyes darted to mine, then sliced to the phone in Smith’s hand.

“It would seem his desire to keep a woman who is under his protection safe outweighed his long-standing hatred for the Agency.”

Maddon’s loud laughter came through the speaker sounding forced and ridiculous.

The idiot might’ve been going for sinister but instead it came across as bad acting.

“You think I’m a fool,” Maddon accused.

“I think you are a lot of things, Maddon. However, a fool is not one of them. You knew what you were doing when you sent me to visit Mr. Lewis. You knew what the outcome of that meeting would be. And you knew it would be the distraction you were hoping for.”

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