Page 124 of Easton

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I wished I’d known what she was going to do before she did it so I could’ve pulled my phone out and recorded it.

The stomping Zane’s direction was a good diversion. He didn’t see her hug coming. That meant he was shocked stupid and had no ready defense when she rolled up on her toes and kissed his check.

“Thank you.” She further shocked him by saying. “And don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

“What secret? I have no more secrets since your shit outted my only one.”

Jesus, the man was a pain in the ass.

“All those stories. Fabled tales of the big, bad, scary Viper King. Lies. You’re a marshmallow.”

“A what?”

“Admittedly, the marshmallow you are is charred on the outside but that only makes the inside gooey. Who knew if you could stomach the burnt bits, when you got to the middle it was soft and warm? I see you, Zane Lewis. You. Not Viper. Not Dimples. Not Big Boss Daddy large and in charge of his kingdom. The man you really are. The man all of us need you to be.”

“You’re fired,” he grunted.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for showing me the truth. Without that lesson I would’ve lived behind my walls. I would’ve closed myself off more. I would’ve run and missed out on the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Working for me?” He smirked.


I absorbed her silken blow, the second of the day, wondering if there’d ever come a time when I wouldn’t feel the hit of her sweetness. I didn’t have to wonder for long. I vowed there would never come a time when I didn’t feel the beauty she gave me. There’d never come a time I didn’t stop and let it seep in and feed my soul.

Zane remained silent when he kissed her forehead. But when he pulled back he couldn’t stop the “Zane” from spewing out.

“You ever call me gooey again, I’m docking your pay and donating it to the prophylactic fund. That shit’s running low. Good thing your shit didn’t dip in or there’d be nothing left for Smith, Jonas, and Cash. And I have a bad feeling Cash is going to run that shit dry.”

“What’s the prophylactic fund?” she asked but didn’t wait for an answer. “Oh wait, Kira told me you generously supply birth control to your men. Smart. The testosterone in this building is off the charts. No telling how many mini commandos you’d have running around. But just to say they’re all big boys—”

“Big boys who think with their—”

“Daddy!” Eric squealed and ran full speed across the office.

“You were saying?” Nebraska drawled.

“I was saying you were fired, but you just won’t leave.”

“Nope. You’re stuck with me now.”

She was killing me with this new, open Nebraska.

I fucking loved it. But if she didn’t put a lid on it I’d have to spend half my day in the office I was sharing with her to show her just how much I fucking loved it.

Not that I’d mind spending time in my office if it meant I had my woman bent over my desk.

Speaking of…

“We have work to do,” I declared, and reclaimed my woman by hooking her around the waist.

“I bet you do.” Zane chuckled as he swung his son up into his arms.

We were nearing the door when she said, “For someone who’s allergic to paperwork and doesn’t like being in his office, you sure are in a hurry.”

I shuffled Nebraska in, shut the door, spun her around, and pulled her to my chest.

“We’re not doing paperwork.”

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