Page 101 of Easton

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It dawned on me that was why his loyalty was returned tenfold. That was why I’d defend him, not only to Kira but to anyone who posed a threat to Z Corps.

“He was protecting everyone. Nothing about Black Team is legal. There are no government contracts. There’s bad and really bad. Evil and vile. If we go down, he didn’t want that to touch any of you.”

“I get it. I’m just shocked. Nothing’s kept a secret around here for long. These boys gossip like old biddies and nothing is sacred. They flap their lips and you never know what they’re going to say. Zane keeping this a secret for so long is…impressive. But he’s Zane so I guess not.”

That said it all.

Zane was Zane and I was fairly convinced he could do anything.

“Dutch reminds me of Zane. Quieter, not as dickish, but they’re a lot alike.”

“Does he pass out condoms to his men, too?”

Her question was so crazy, so off the wall, I reared back in my chair in surprise.


“Yeah, that’s what that was about when you came in. Zane’s always up in everyone’s business giving wisdom.”

“And this wisdom’s about birth control?”

“Mostly.” She smiled. “I was told when I started working here his love language was asshole. But it’s not. His love language is handing his people shit so they understand they’re family. I still think he should just try saying I love you, but apparently he’s stingy with those words and the only people who hear them are Ivy, Rose, and Eric.”

I kind of loved that. I bet Ivy did, too, knowing she and her kids were the only ones who got that. It made it special. Zane didn’t toss out sentiments willy-nilly.

I still didn’t understand why Kira had brought up sperm in our meeting though, and since I was new at this girl-talk thing I wasn’t about to ask.

Instead I answered, “No, Dutch doesn’t pass out condoms. Or if he does, not in front of me and I’m happy to report he’s never offered me spermicide or a cervical cap.”

There was a beat of silence before Kira busted out laughing. More weirdness happened when I smiled, liking that I could make her laugh.

Stella was my only girlfriend and our relationship was complicated. Sure, we’d laughed together but never in a room full of personal effects. I knew what I knew about the woman because I’d investigated her. She knew what she knew about me because she’d done the same. We ran in the same circles, we had work in common. But never would she open up to me and be herself.

Two real people having a real conversation.

I was Dove. She was Lore.


“That would be awkward.” Kira said, still laughing. “Though truth be told, if I would’ve thought of it before you came in I might’ve tossed one on the table. Next time.”


I didn’t want a contraceptive device thrown at me in the conference room. Not even if that was Kira’s way of making friends.

“That’s a hard no for me.”

“Not you.” She laughed. “I mean the next chick that gets dragged in here by one of the boys. Oh, and I’m gonna need your help. Zane’s always got these quips, you know, like ‘wrap it before you tap it.’ ‘Cover your stump before you hump.’ All I came up with was, don’t take his sperm if you don’t want to do the term and I used that with you. There are three more men. I need to come up with more.”

So, Zane had a sense of humor. It would seem Kira did as well. Me, not so much.

“I’m not funny, KK. I don’t…shit, I’m sorry, that was rude. I mean, Kira, I’m not funny so I don’t think I’ll be any help.”

Kira’s brows pulled together and her chin tipped the side.

“What was rude?”

“Me calling you KK.”

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