Page 8 of Dangerous Affair

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My next orgasm came moments later.

The one after that was pulled from me while Wilson’s mouth was between my legs.

Four and five came after we were both fully naked and that wondrous new world exploded all over my hotel room in the form of multiple orgasms.

By the time I passed out, I was wrung dry.

The next morning, regret crept in.

I was owned by a stranger who I’d never see again.

I slunk out of my hotel room leaving a piece of myself behind and a lame note explaining my absence.

Wilson whatever-his-last-name-was, was both the best and worst decision I ever made.


I knocked on the apartment door and waited. I had a key but my grandmother wasn’t expecting me until late this afternoon so instead of letting myself in and giving the woman a fright I opted to knock. Which meant I’d be standing there awhile seeing as at ninety-one she moved a lot slower than she used to. Not that I’d ever mention it or suggest she get one of those power scooters—that wasn’t to prevent offensive, it was to save the unexpecting population of Coeur d’Alene from my grandmother running over pedestrians. Something I feared she’d do if someone didn’t move out of her way fast enough.

It could be said my gram was a firecracker, an opinionated one at that.

The door came open and much to my shock a man answered. And not just a man, a very good-looking man around my age. I glanced up and down the hall wondering if I was at the right apartment. Admittedly I was a shit granddaughter and hadn’t visited my grandmother in…damn, it was going on two years, but I was sure I got the right door.

“Can I help you?” the man asked.

“May I help you,” my grandmother called out from inside the apartment, correcting the man’s grammar.

She didn’t sound like she was tied to a chair in the middle of a robbery but still my fear tickled the back of my neck. Which only served as a reminder of a strong hand there while the owner of said hand plundered my mouth.

Good Lord, it was going to take forever to stop thinking about Wilson.

“I’m here to see my grandmother,” I told the man with all the authority I could muster in the presence of a very tall man with blue eyes that reminded me of…you guessed it…Wilson.


“My sweet girl!” my gram exclaimed. “Let her in, River.”

This was River?

The man who married Letty who used to be my grandmother’s downstairs neighbor.

Wow. Gram hadn’t exaggerated when she called him a tall drink of water. Though I would describe him as a tall sexy beast, but who was I to quibble over what to call the man?

River stepped to the side holding the door open for me.

I walked in and immediately spotted my grandmother. As always she was dressed to the nines. A throwback from the old Hollywood days. I’d always thought my grandmother looked like Elizabeth Taylor. She dressed like her, too.


“My beautiful Atlee. Stop and let me look at you.”

I paused in the middle of the living room a few feet from her chair. I put my hands on my hips before I did a slow turnaround and ended on a curtsy.

“Always a ham,” she cooed.

“Did I pass inspection?” I quipped. “May I give my favorite grandmother a hug now?”

“So much sass.” She smiled and looked at River. “River, meet my grandbaby, Atlee.”

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