Page 6 of Dangerous Affair

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Right. There.


But I didn’t want to give it. I wanted to stay right there forever suspended in space between floating and pleasure.

That place that made my muscles clench and my body lock in anticipation of what was to come.

So close.

Wilson gave my hair a sharp tug. Tingles spread over my scalp. Tiny pricks of pain that ratcheted up the potency of his ministrations.

“Give. It,” he demanded.

The need I heard in his jagged order tipped me over the edge.

White hot pleasure washed over me. I shook with it. My skin felt hot and tight like I was going to fly apart into a million pieces. The enormity of it so big I feared I’d never be the same. After tonight Wilson would take with him something I would never get back. Something that wasn’t his to have but he’d own it all the same.

My orgasm was still pulsing through me when I lost his fingers. It had yet to wane when my cute, tank dress was pulled over my head, forcing me to let go of the hard erection I was still stroking. I was barely coming back to myself when Wilson shifted and moved behind me. I felt something happening behind my back but my hazy mind was working double-time to just keep me upright.

One of Wilson’s arms snaked around me, his hand going to my bra, and he roughly yanked it down exposing my breast.

His fingers immediately homed in on my nipple and pinched.

No fumbling for Wilson whatever-his-last-name-was. Just like I knew he would, he’d found my clit and nipple with precision.

“Spread, Atlee.”

I stepped one sandaled foot to the side. I felt the head of his dick push inside but after that he stilled.

“Open your eyes and watch.”

I hadn’t realized I’d closed them.

Slowly they came open and once again I found it impossible to breathe.

The wall behind the bed was mirrored.

The whole wall.

There I was standing in front of Wilson mostly nude, save my bra that was askew.

Wilson behind me still in his suit with his shirt opened looking like a debauched businessman ready to conquer. His big hand at my breast, his fingers rolling my nipple. His dick inside me but just the tip.

Holy shit.

We looked hot.

My head fell back on his shoulder but I kept my gaze on the mirror.

“I want you to watch how beautiful you look when you come.”

With that he bent his knees, then drove up, thrusting inside so deep I went up on my toes.

His arm locked around me, holding me hostage as he pumped in and out with punishing thrusts. I fought to drag in oxygen while my lungs rebelled. This was breath-stealing—all of it. The erotic show in the mirror, the way Wilson’s gaze roamed while he watched himself fucking me.

“Do you like watching?” I panted.

His gaze snapped to mine and a smile appeared.

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