Page 16 of Dangerous Affair

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“We’ll be there to provide backup. I already offered and Pete is smart enough to know he’ll need all the help he can get if he’s going to pull this off. As for what the team will think, all of us will support you.”

Jack’s gaze skidded around the room, his expression troubled.

“What’s the job?”

He was asking about his last gig with Takeback.

“I’m still waiting on the full brief,” I started. “SOIB has a lead on Martin Jackson. They’ve been tracking him for eighteen months but this is the first time they have confirmation he’s onsite. He’s moving women through Las Vegas. His next party’s in a couple of weeks. The FBI has two women undercover working the scene. I’m going down there next week to meet with them. They introduce me around and get me an invite to the party. I need you and Asher there with me. Possibly Cole when he’s back from his honeymoon.”

“Is that why Mia looks like she’s ready to commit murder?”

“Nope. Haven’t briefed the team yet. She’s pissed because Pete cut her out. He shut down the Angel program and reorganized in San Diego, leaving her out of the new startup.”

“And he still has his balls,” Jack mumbled.

“I have no idea about the man’s testicles and frankly I’m happy I don’t.”

“I’ll take the meeting with Pete and Mase and let you know what I decide.”

Apparently he’d forgotten the part about me firing him.

“Send me what you have and I’ll start a workup,” Jack continued.

“Right. Enough work shit. This is supposed to be a party.”

Jack’s attention went to the table of cackling women. Mine followed, and like a heat-seeking missile my eyes immediately landed on Atlee.

She was stunning in her shimmery gray dress. All that shiny brown hair tumbled down her back in waves, mocking me. Summoning memories of my hands fisting those strands while I’d fucked her from behind. Her beautiful smile only served as a reminder of what those lips felt like on my skin as she explored the limits of my control. But it was her silver strappy heels that were driving me insane. The woman had legs for days, and her sexy shoes didn’t let you forget it. Not that I’d ever forget what it’d felt like having them wrapped around me while her pussy convulsed around my cock. It had taken more restraint than I cared to admit to keep my distance throughout the day.

Thankfully, River approaching pulled me from my thoughts.

“I’m headed out,” he started. “I need to get Letty and Mav home.”

I glanced back at the table of smiling women. Mrs. S had made it past the cake cutting and was right then holding court with Sloane, Sadie, and Atlee, laughing at whatever story the old woman was telling.

Against my better judgment I offered, “I’ll take them home.”

“You sure? You didn’t look all that fired up to play chauffeur earlier.”

It wasn’t the chauffeur part I had a problem with.


“Right,” River drawled.

I ignored the insinuation in his tone. The man would pounce if he caught the slightest whiff of something he felt he could suss out.

Jack waited until River was out of earshot before he picked up the thread.

“You gonna hit that?”



“Would you tell me if you were?”


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